



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

wā kāinga

1. (noun) distant home, true home, home, home base - sometimes written as one word, i.e. wākāinga.

Ka haere a Tū-rāhui ki waho whakahāereere ai i te tamaiti; kātahi ka titiro atu ki te rā e whanake ana i te huapae o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, kātahi ka hoto ake te aroha i a Tū-rāhui ki te wā kāinga, ki Hawaiki (JPS 1913:176). / Tū-rāhui went outside to stroll about with the child. Then he looked at the sun rising on the horizon of the Pacific Ocean and the love for his home, for Hawaiki, suddenly overcame Tū-rāhui.

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1. (noun) home, true home, local people of a marae, home people.

Nāna i whakakīkī te nuinga o te iwi o Taumutu kia hoki ki te haukāinga i runga i tana kī atu kua ū te maungārongo i reira (TTR 1990:146). / He persuaded the majority of the people of Taumutu to return home on his assurance that peace had been established there.

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See also hau kāinga

Synonyms: tangata whenua, iwi kāinga

hau kāinga

1. (noun) home, true home, local people of a marae, home people.

Ko te hiahia o te whānau me moe kē ia i te tangata o te hau kāinga, kua oti kē i a rātou te whakarite māna, kia tūhonohono ai ngā whenua o ngā whānau e rua nei (TTR 2000:28). / In order to unite the lands of the two families, the family wanted her to marry a local man and had already arranged that for her.

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1. (noun) (softball) home base.

2. (noun) (softball) home plate.

papa kāinga

1. (noun) original home, home base, village, communal Māori land - sometimes written as one word, papakāinga.

Ko tēnei wāhi e tūngia nei e ēnei whare he papa kāinga, engari ko te taitara ki tēnei wāhi kei a Mōrehu Tūroa (TTT 1/3/1923:3). / This place where these houses stand is the original home, but Mōrehu Tūroa has the title to this place.

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1. (verb) (-ngia) to land (a vessel), reach the land, arrive by water, strike home (of weapons or blows).

Ka ū a Tamatea ki uta, ka hikaia tōna ahi, ka tahuna te whenua (TPH 26/10/1898:5). / When Tamatea came ashore he kindled his fire and burnt the ground.

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See also ūranga

2. (verb) to be firm, fixed, resolute, unyielding.

Kātahi ka riringi ki roto i ngā pātara, kia ū te pangu, ka whītikia ki te tuaina (TJ 8/12/1898:7). / Then pour it into bottles, put in the bungs and tie them down with twine.

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Synonyms: rae pakari, ngākau titikaha, manawa rahi, pūtohe, niwha, kiriūka, manawanui, marohi, mārohirohi, titikaha, whakakiriūka, pikoni, pūkeke, aumangea, pukunanaiore, tōkeke

3. (verb) to comply.

Ko te mea rerekē o ēneki rā, kua rahi ake ngā mahi whakahaere me te ū ki ngā ture (RT 2013:96). / The difference these days is that there are more organisational tasks and compliance with the laws.

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1. (verb) to make a home, establish a home.

E kore ia nei ngā iwi noho apiapi o te ao e kōnohi ki ngā wāhi āhua wātea o te ao, ki reira whakakāinga ai? (TTT 1/9/1925:288). / Will the people in densely populated places of the world not yearn for more sparsely populated places to establish homes?

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kōkōmuka tū tara ā-whare

1. (noun) stay-at-home - someone who does not leave home because of old age, sickness or inclination.

Pare: E mea noa atu ana au ki a Manu he uaua ka puta au ki te hāereere haere, ka mutu ko tāua tahi tēnā. Rangi (ki a Manu): Āe kei te tika tēnā. He tino kōkōmuka tū tara ā-whare māua tahi (HKK 1999:180). / Pare: I was saying ti Manu some time ago that I rarely travel about, and you and I are both like that. Rangi (to Manu): Yes that's right. We are both stay-at-homes.

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kōkōmuka noho tara ā-whare

1. (noun) stay-at-home - someone who does not leave home because of old age, sickness or inclination.

Kua eke kē a Hēmi ki te taumata o te tangata e kīia ai ia 'he kōkōmuka noho tara ā-whare', arā, ko ōna tau whakahingahinga, whakatā hoki (HP 1991:v). / Hēmi has already reached the stage of life when it could be said that he is a stay-at-home, that is, he is in his retirement years.

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kāinga tipu

1. ancestral home.

I muri tata tonu mai ka mahue i a rātou tō rātou kāinga tipu, a Kāwhia (TTR 1990:246). / Immediately after, they abandoned their ancestral home at Kāwhia.

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1. (verb) (-a) to drive home, fix.

Kua ngahua te taumanu (W 1971:226). / The thwart has been fixed.

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2. (noun) point, pomontory.

tara ā-whare

1. (modifier) domestic, home based.

Riro ana nāna i tīmata atu te Rōpū mō ngā Wāhine Māori ki Manukau, he ako nei tā rātau i ngā mahi tara ā-whare, arā, te tuitui kaka, te mahi kāri, te kōhua tiamu, te mahi pīkara tae atu hoki ki te whakapounamu hua rākau (TTR 1998:227). / She began the Māori Women's Institute in Manukau, teaching domestic tasks such as sewing, gardening, and jam, pickle and preserve making.

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2. (noun) natural death - in the phrase mate tara ā-whare.

Ka tū atu au ki te whakautu. Ka mihi, ka tangi, ka poroporoaki ki ngā mate tara ā-whare o te kāinga (HP 1991:60). / I stood to respond. I greeted, wept for and farewelled the natural deaths of home.

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Synonyms: mate tara-ā-whare


1. (noun) mother, source of sustenance.

Ki te taha ki tōna ūkaipō ko Ngāi Tāmanuhiri tōna hapū, ā, ko tōna ure tārewa nō Te Whakatōhea (TTR 1998:4). / He belonged to Ngāi Tāmanuhiri through his mother and Te Whakatōhea through his father (DNZB 1998:29).

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Synonyms: kōkara, kowhaea, hākuikui, whāwhārua, māmā, whaea, whaene, hākui, kōkā

2. (noun) origin, real home.

Ko te whenua houkura, ko te whenua taurikura kei wāhi kē atu i tō rātou ūkaipō (H 1992:101). / The peaceful land, the prosperous land is another place from their real home.

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Synonyms: kunenga, takenga, pūnga, toi, , ahunga, orokohanga, mātāwai, pūtake, , orokohanganga, take

eke panuku

1. (verb) to hit home, win, gain victory, successfully overcome.

Ao ake i te ata, e hoe mai ana ngā waka o Ngāti Toa, ka maranga te taua o Ngāi Tahu. Ko Ngāi Tahu i eke panuku, heoi, ka puta te ihu o Te Rauparaha (Te Ara 2016). / Next morning, as Ngāti Toa were paddling in, the Ngāi Tahu war party rose up. The victory went to Ngāi Tahu, although Te Rauparaha managed to escape.

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1. (noun) home, address, residence, village, settlement, habitation, habitat, dwelling - a variation of kāinga used in East Coast dialects.

Ka moe a Hinematioro i tana tāne ka noho ko Ūawa te kāenga tūturu (TTR 1990:15). / After Hinematioro married, Tolaga Bay was her permanent home.

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See also kāinga

Synonyms: whare, kāinga, noninga kumu, whakanoho, whakatatū, whakatau, whakaritenga, whakatutukitanga

tangata whenua

1. (verb) (-tia) to be natural, at home, comfortable.

Ki te tīmata mai te ako i te reo i te wā e nohinohi tonu ana ngā tamariki, ka kōrero Māori ngā tamariki rā, ka mau, ā, ka tangata whenua te reo ki roto i a rātou. / If learning the language begins when children are little, those children will speak Māori and the language will be natural to them.

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2. (verb) (-tia) to be naturalised, acclimatise, established, adapted.

Ko tēnei rākau kua tangata whenuatia ki ēnei motu (TTT 1/9/1922:7). / This tree has become naturalized in these islands.

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3. (noun) local people, hosts, indigenous people - people born of the whenua, i.e. of the placenta and of the land where the people's ancestors have lived and where their placenta are buried.

Ko te tangata whenua te hunga pupuri i te mana o tētahi whenua (Te Ara 2013). / The tangata whenua are the people who have authority in a particular place.

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Synonyms: iwi kāinga, haukāinga

kāinga tupu

1. (noun) ancestral home, homeland.

Nō te 1 o Tīhema 1951, ka hinga mai a Pita Te Rangi Hīroa Buck i Honoruru. Nō te tau 1953 rā anō ōna pungarehu ka whakahokia mai ki tōna kāinga tupu (TTR 1996:18). / Peter Te Rangi Hīroa Buck died in Honolulu on 1 December 1951. His ashes were finally brought back to his ancestral home in 1953.

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See also kāinga tipu


1. (modifier) at a distance from home.

E noho ākikō ana taua tangata (W 1971:7). / That man is living at a distance from home.

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eke tangaroa

1. (verb) to strike home, triumph.


1. (noun) home, address, residence, village, settlement, habitation, habitat, dwelling.

I whānau au ki Nūhaka, Hāki Pei, i te 10 o ngā rā o Maramarima, tau 1904, i tō mātau kāinga e pātata atu ana ki te awa o Nūhaka (HP 1991:12). / I was born at Nūhaka, Hawkes Bay, on the 10th May, 1904, at our home close to the Nūhaka River.

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Synonyms: kāenga, whare, noninga kumu, whakanoho, whakatatū, whakatau, whakaritenga, whakatutukitanga

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