2. (modifier) bright.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 175-180;)
He whetū ao tēnei ka tata mai (W 1971:11). / This was a bright star approaching.
3. (noun) world, globe, global.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 175-180;)
E kīia ana kei ētahi wāhi o te ao ētahi, he hokohoko māti te mahi (TTT 1/11/1929:1919). / It is said that in some parts of the world there are some whose job is selling matches.
Synonyms: Rangawhenua, Tangaroa, Matawhero, Whiro, Whiringa ki Tawhiti, ao-mārama, ao tūroa, aotūroa, ao mārama, Kōpū, Kōpūnui, Rangipō, taiao, Takero, Tāwera, Pareārau, Meremere, Meremere-tū-ahiahi
4. (noun) Earth.
He mea porotaka nui whakahara te Ao nei; ehara i te mea tino porotaka rawa, nō te mea e āhua papatahi ana ngā pito (TWMNT 5/6/1877:143). / The Earth is round, but it's not as if it's exactly round because the poles are somewhat flat.
5. (noun) day, daytime - as opposed to night.
Ka kau te wahine nei i Raukawa, te pō, te ao, te pō, te ao (JPS 1985:148). / This woman swam in Cooks Strait for many nights and days.
6. (noun) cloud.
He ao te rangi ka uhia, he huruhuru te manu ka rere (NP 2001:65). / As clouds cover the sky, so feathers adorn the bird. (A whakatauākī said by Tamaterangi when he considered he didn't have suitable garments to be able to stand and speak.)
1. (personal name) Earth, Earth mother and wife of Rangi-nui - all living things originate from them.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 39-42;)
Ka miria e te hauku a Papatūānuku (TTT 1/3/1930:2006). / Papatūānuku is caressed by the dew.
See also atua
2. (verb) to slip, slump, slide (of earth).
I horopu tonu i runga puta noa ki raro (JPS 1926:244). / It slipped from the top right down to the bottom.
3. (modifier) staunch, genuine, steadfast, loyal, firm, dependable.
Nāwai ka whai mana ētahi o tēnei minenga ki ngā tōrangapū o te rohe, tae atu ki te toa horopū tauā o Ngāti Porou i a Rāpata Wahawaha rātou ko te mema pāremata mō te Tai Rāwhiti i a Wī Pere, ko Ānaru Mātete hoki, tērā i tahuri ki te whakapono Pai Mārire me te mau pū mō Te Kooti (Te Ara 2015). / Some of this gathering later became major figures in the politics of the region, including the staunch fighter of Ngāti Porou, Rāpata Wahawaha, MP for Eastern Māori, Wī Pere, and Ānaru Mātete, who converted to the Pai Mārire religion and become an armed follower of Te Kooti.
Synonyms: pirihongo, ngākau pono, piripono, tōmau, pirihonga, pirihonge
2. (noun) food cooked in an earth oven.
Kei te mahi tonu te iwi i ngā waiata me ngā haka, kei te whāngai tonu i te manuhiri ki te hāngī (Te Ara 2015). / The tribe continues to perform songs and dances, and to feed visitors with food cooked in an earth oven.
1. (verb) (-a) to dig up, expose by removing the earth, excavate, uncover, mine.
He maha ngā tāngata kua mate, engari e kore e mōhiotia wawetia tō rātou kaute, kia oti rānō te huke te paru (TP 9/1911:8). / Many people have died, but it won't be known immediately how many, not until clearing the mud has been completed.
2. (verb) (-a) to paw (the ground).
Ko te tūnga tēnei o te pūru nei, ka tīmata te hongihongi haere ki te tangata rā, ā, he wā nā ka tae mai te riri ki a ia, ka tīmata te auē me te huke a ōna waewae (TKO 12/2/1919:7). / The bull stood up, began to sniff the scent of that person, and became angry. It began to bellow and to paw the ground with its legs.
kauae raro
1. (noun) lower jaw.
Kātahi ka hurihia e Pou te ika rā. Ka mea atu anō a Taikehu, "Kei whea te kauae raro o tō ika?" Ka titiro a Pou, ka kite kāre he kauae raro o te ika rā (TWK 4:10). / Then Pou turned that marine mammal over. Taikehu said, "Where is the lower jaw of your marine mammal?" Pou looked and realised that the marine mammal had no lower jaw.
2. (noun) terrestrial knowledge, earthly knowledge.
Kātahi ka whakatuwheratia ngā kete e toru o te wānanga, ka tangohia mai ngā taonga o aua kete e rite ana mō te kauae raro (WW 1913:7). / Then the three baskets of knowledge were opened and the treasures of those baskets that were appropriate for earthly knowledge were taken out.
kete aronui
1. (noun) basket of knowledge of aroha, peace and the arts and crafts which benefit the Earth and all living things - one of the three baskets of knowledge. This basket relates to knowledge acquired through careful observation of the environment. It is also the basket of ritual, of literature, philosophy and is sometimes regarded as the basket of the humanities.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 123;)
Haramai, e mau tō ringa ki te kete tuauri, ki te kete tuatea, ki te kete aronui, i pikitia e Tāne-nui-a-rangi i te ara tauwhāiti, i te Pū-motomoto o Tikitiki-o-rangi (M 2006:6). / Come, grasp in your hand the kit of sacred knowledge, the kit of ancestral knowledge, the kit of life's knowledge, procured when the renowned-Tāne-of-the-heavens ascended by the tenuous pathway, thro' the Entrance to the Uppermost-heaven (M 2006:7).
See also kete o te wānanga
1. (verb) (-a) to dig, remove earth, dig out, ferret out.
Koia hoki te mīharo o te ngākau ki te kaha o te iwi Pākehā ki te whakapau i ngā moni nui whakaharahara ki te ketu i raro i te whenua kia kitea i roto i ngā ana, i ngā mōrehu o ngā pā tawhito ētahi māramatanga mō te tipunga mai o ngā iwi o te ao (TTT 1/8/1923:4). / One marvels at the ability of the Pākehā people to spend huge amounts of money on digging under the ground to find explanations about the development of the peoples of the world in caves and remnants of ancient forts.
2. (verb) (-a) to root (of pigs).
Kua ketua taku māra e te poaka (W 1971:115). / The pigs have rooted up my garden.
3. (noun) pointed paddle-shaped implement - to loosen soil for cultivation, earthworks, etc.
Anō nei te rite o te ketu ki te hoe iti; ko tāna he whakapāpako i te oneone (Te Ara 2015). / The ketu was like a small paddle, which was used for loosening the soil.
1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to move, shift, extend.
I muri tata tonu iho, i a Āperira, ka nuku a Te Kooti me ana tāngata mai i Te Kūiti ki Ōtewā (TTR 1990:222). / Immediately after, in April, Te Kooti and his people moved from Te Kūiti to Ōtewā.
Synonyms: mahinga, nukunuku, kori, tākiri, koni, korikori, neke, paheke, panuku, whakakorikori, mū, konikoni, hūnuku, tīkape, onioni, kaneke, kareu, whakangāueue, rangaranga, takataka, neneke, ngatē, ngeungeu, oraora, pakuku, pīoraora, heke, ki hori, hiki, oreore, ngatete
2. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to move, shift, extend, indent (computer).
Kīhai i whakaaetia te tono kia nukuhia te nohoanga o te Pāremete ki tua atu o te tau (TWMNT 5/1/1872:32). / The request that the sitting of Parliament be moved to next year was not agreed to.
3. (noun) wide extent, throughout, length and breadth, all over, all through.
Haere atu ki te āmiomio i te nuku o te whenua, ki te rapurapu pū, ki te rapurapu paura (TH 1/1/1861:1). / Go and travel around the length and breadth of the land to seek for guns and powder.
4. (noun) the Earth.
1. (noun) beach, sand, mud, earth, soil.
E kī ana ā tātau nei kōrero, ko Tiki te tangata tuatahi, ko Hine-ahu-one te wahine tuatahi i pokepoketia ki te one i Kurawaka (TTT 1/8/1925:275). / Our narratives say that Tiki was the first man and that Hine-ahu-one, the first woman, was shaped with earth at Kurawaka.
Synonyms: kirikiri, onepū, wharu, paruparu, kene, hū, paru, poharu
1. (noun) board, timber, floor, slab, plank, chart, plane surface, bed (of a lake or the sea), Earth, shell of crayfish and molluscs - anything broad, flat and hard.
Ka tūtaki ētahi tāngata whakatū taiapa ki te papa kōhatu pāia pōnānā (HP 1991:27). / When some fencers encountered rocky land they became flustered.
Synonyms: paraki
2. (noun) victory.
Ko te ritenga tēnei o ngā hapū Māori ina tautohetohe ki te whenua - he whakaekeeke ki te whawhai, ā riro ana te papa i te hunga uekaha ki te pana atu i te hoariri (TKM.MM 12/2/1863:2). / This was the custom of the Māori tribes in disputes over land - they would engage in warfare, with the stronger party achieving the victory and driving out the enemy.
1. (noun) world of life and light, Earth, physical world.
See also ao mārama
Synonyms: ao ahupūngao, ao mārama, Rangawhenua, Tangaroa, Matawhero, Whiro, Whiringa ki Tawhiti, ao tūroa, aotūroa, Kōpū, Kōpūnui, Rangipō, taiao, Takero, Tāwera, Pareārau, Meremere, Meremere-tū-ahiahi, ao
ao tūroa
1. (noun) light of day, world, Earth, nature, enduring world, natural world.
Moriānuku: He puke kei Te Rerenga Wairua. Hei reira ngā wairua poroparoaki mai ai ki te ao tūroa (M 2004:204). / Moriānuku: A hill at Te Rerenga Wairua (The Leaping Place of Spirits). There the spirits bid farewell to the natural world.
Synonyms: aotūroa, taiao, āhua, Rangawhenua, Tangaroa, Matawhero, Whiro, Whiringa ki Tawhiti, ao-mārama, ao mārama, Kōpū, Kōpūnui, Rangipō, Takero, Tāwera, Pareārau, Meremere, Meremere-tū-ahiahi, ao
1. (noun) light of day, world, Earth, nature, this world.
Ka ngaro hoki rā i te aotūroa e-i, tēnei ka unuhia taku māhuri tōtara e-i, taku piki kōtuku nō runga i Tuhirangi e-i, haere rā e te tau e-i! (TPH 15/11/1901:8). / You are gone from this world, my tōtara sapling is taken, my plume of white heron feathers from on Tuhirangi, farewell my love!
Synonyms: ao tūroa, taiao, āhua, Rangawhenua, Tangaroa, Matawhero, Whiro, Whiringa ki Tawhiti, ao-mārama, ao mārama, Kōpū, Kōpūnui, Rangipō, Takero, Tāwera, Pareārau, Meremere, Meremere-tū-ahiahi, ao
ao mārama
1. (noun) world of life and light, Earth, physical world.
"Me aha tātau, e whakatipu uri ai tātau ki te ao mārama nei?” Ka mea tētahi, “Me kimi te uha hei tango i tō tātau āhua, hei whakatipu uri ki te ao mārama nei." (M 206:198). / "What must we do to propagate progeny in this world of light and life?" One said, "We must search for the female to take our likeness, and to propagate progeny in this world of light and life."
Synonyms: ao ahupūngao, ao-mārama, Rangawhenua, Tangaroa, Matawhero, Whiro, Whiringa ki Tawhiti, ao tūroa, aotūroa, Kōpū, Kōpūnui, Rangipō, taiao, Takero, Tāwera, Pareārau, Meremere, Meremere-tū-ahiahi, ao