



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (noun) farm.

He whāma kau tā tēnei rangatira Pākehā (HP 1991:22). / This important Pākehā had a dairy farm.

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1. (verb) (-tia) to disc.

2. (noun) disc (farm implement).

He tamaiti 11 ngā tau i tapahia te waewae e te kīwhi e tōia ana e te tarakitā ka mate i te pau o ngā toto me te marū o te tinana (TAH 6:61). / An 11 year old boy was gashed in the leg by a set of tractor-drawn discs, and died from loss of blood and bruising of the body.

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1. (noun) fish farming, aquaculture.

I ngā tekau tau o 1980 me 1900, ka haere ētahi o ngā moni whakataunga tiriti a ngā iwi ki ngā wāhanga ngāherehere, ahumoana hoki (Te Ara 2013). / In the decade 1980 and 1990 some of the tribal treaty settlements went to the forestry and aquaculture divisions.

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1. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-ria) to rear, grow, raise, cultivate, produce, farm.

Whakatupuria te kau me te nanenane kia whai waiū ai mā ngā tamariki (TPM 2/2/1863:4). / Raise cows and goats so that you have milk for the children.

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See also whakatipu

Synonyms: whakaputa, whakapakeke, mairanga, riaki, whakatū, whakaara, whakaikeike, whakarawe, whakatipu, whāngai, whakatāiri, whakaaranga, kōranga, hāpai, , huataki, rangahua, huaranga, araara, whakatiputipu, whakakaurera, riariaki, whakatairangaranga, hiki, kōkai, hikumaro, hikutira

2. (modifier) growing, rearing, future.

Kua waiho iho e koe ēnā hei tirotirohanga, hei whiriwhiringa mā ngā uri whakatupu (JPS 1922:77). / You have left those for the perusal and consideration of future generations.

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Synonyms: whakatiputipu, whakatipu

3. (noun) growing, growth, rearing, raising, breeding.

Nā te mea he whenua pai mō te whakatupu harakeke, ka waiho tonu a Maketū hei tautohetanga mā ngā iwi (TTR 1990:10). / Because it was good land for flax-growing, Maketū remained a place in contention for the tribes.

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Synonyms: whakatipu, huti, hutinga, hīanga, whakapiki, whakaputu, whakatūtū

4. (noun) appearance, stature, build, physique.

E ai ki a Te Maahi, te pirimia, he tangata tino koi rawa atu te hinengaro o Kaihau, ā, ko tōna pakari me tōna whakatupu, ko Hēkuri tonu te rite (TTR 1994:37). / According to Mr Massey, the prime minister, Kaihau was a man with a very sharp mind and in strength and stature he was just like Hercules.

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Synonyms: whakatipu


1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to farm.

E tika ana kia whakahaerea tonutia i tēnei wā he tikanga, mehemea e hiahiatia ana kia pāmutia kia riīhitia ranei ki a tātau Māori anō (TP 5/1906:4). / It is appropriate that at this time a procedure be established, if it is desired that it be farmed or leased to us Māori.

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2. (loan) (noun) farm, farmland.

E koa ana mātou tēnā e whakanohonga he tangata ki runga i taua whenua, ko ngā wāhi pai o taua whenua ka homai hei pāmu (HTK 5/8/1893:8). / We are happy that someone lives on that land and that the best parts of that land will be provided as a farm.

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See also whāma

whāma kau

1. (loan) (noun) dairy farm.

He whāma kau tā tēnei rangatira Pākehā (HP 1991:22). / This important Pākehā had a dairy farm.

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1. (loan) (noun) run (farm).

Ngā rana hipi, me ngā tini whenua (TW 28/8/1875:183). / Sheep runs and extensive lands.

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pāmu ahumoana

1. (loan) (noun) marine farm.

pāmu hau

1. (loan) (noun) wind farm.

I te pāmu hau, ko te kapohau e huri ana i te pukuhiko hei whakaputa i te hiko (RP 2009:340). / At a wind farm the wind turbine turns the electrical generator to produce electricity.

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pāmu noke

1. (loan) (noun) worm farm.

ahuwhenua māori

1. (noun) organic farming.


1. (noun) wild turkey, turkey, Meleagris gallopavo - a large introduced farm bird with a blue-and-red head.

Ka kai ngā hōia, he nui te kai mā te ope hōia, te korukoru me ērā atu manu, me te ika me ngā āhua kai katoa a te Pākehā (HKW 1/9/1901:2). / There was plenty of food for the troops, turkeys and other birds, fish and all sorts of Pākehā food.

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Synonyms: pīpipi


1. (modifier) very numerous - often used to intensify a noun signifying many, e.g. tini, mano.

He mano tini whāioio a Tangaroa ki te takototanga (JPS 1901:184). / Thousands upon thousands, innumerable were the hosts of Tangaroa.

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2. (modifier) long ago - intensifies tūāuri, tūāuriuri, tuauri and tuauriuri where these are used to indicate a time in the distant past.

I ngā rā o tuauri whāioio, e whakapaetia ana i noho ngā tīpuna o te kiwi i Ahitereiria, ka mutu, he manu whai parirau kē i taua wā (HKK 1999:189). / In prehistoric times, it is claimed that the ancestors of the kiwi lived in Australia, and what's more, it was a bird that had wings at that time.
Ko tō tātou reo tūāuriuri whāioio kia kaua e ngaro i tā te moa ngaro engari kia ora mō ake tonu atu (HM 3/1995:6). / Our ancient language should not be lost like the extinction of the moa but should live forever.

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Synonyms: , tāukiuki, noa atu, neha, noa mai, aua atu (rā), noa ake

3. (noun) New Zealand pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae - native bird with head and upperparts brown and streaked darker brown similar to a skylark but more slender, with the habit of flicking its long tail up and down. It inhabits open areas but avoids intensively farmed land.


1. (noun) New Zealand pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae - native bird with head and upperparts brown and streaked darker brown similar to a skylark but more slender, with the habit of flicking its long tail up and down. It inhabits open areas but avoids intensively farmed land.

Te hoihoi hoki o te manu nei, whai anō kīia ai he pīhoihoi. Arā anō tōna ingoa ko te whioi, arā he manu whio (Te Ara 2012). / This bird is noisy, which is why it is called a 'pīhoihoi'. Another of its names, whioi, means whistler.

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Synonyms: kātaitai, manu kahaki, whioi, hīoi, whāioio

manu kahaki

1. (noun) New Zealand pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae - native bird with head and upperparts brown and streaked darker brown similar to a skylark but more slender, with the habit of flicking its long tail up and down. It inhabits open areas but avoids intensively farmed land.

See also pīhoihoi

Synonyms: kātaitai, whioi, hīoi, pīhoihoi, whāioio


1. (stative) be bright glossy green.

2. (noun) native mint, Mentha cunninghamii - a low creeping plant with tiny tightly packed mint-scented leaves and small white flowers in summer. A common plant of grassland and open places throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand.

3. (noun) New Zealand pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae - native bird with head and upperparts brown and streaked darker brown similar to a skylark but more slender, with the habit of flicking its long tail up and down. It inhabits open areas but avoids intensively farmed land.


1. (noun) New Zealand pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae - native bird with head and upperparts brown and streaked darker brown similar to a skylark but more slender, with the habit of flicking its long tail up and down. It inhabits open areas but avoids intensively farmed land.


1. (noun) New Zealand pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae - native bird with head and upperparts brown and streaked darker brown similar to a skylark but more slender, with the habit of flicking its long tail up and down. It inhabits open areas but avoids intensively farmed land.


1. (loan) (noun) separator - used for separating the cream from the milk in milking sheds on dairy farms.

Mutu ana te kutētē, kua hurihia te miraka ki te hepareita (TTT 1/2/1930:1975). / When milking is finished the milk is spun in the separator.

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Synonyms: kaitiriwā, hapareita

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