1. (noun) deputy, replacement, substitute.
I whakamahia ia hei kaitiriwā mā tētehi tākuta o Taranaki anō, mā Māui Pōmare, ina noa nei a Māui i hoki mai ai i āna mahi rangahau hauora i Amerika (TTR 1996:12). / He worked as deputy to another Taranaki doctor, Māui Pōmare, who had recently returned from medical studies in the United States.
2. (noun) separator, divider.
Titiro atu tērā ki te piri o te tū o ngā whare, kāore he motumotu, piri tonu, ko ngā rori tonu te kaitiriwā i te whare (TWMNT 12/11/1873:156). / They looked at the houses standing in compact rows with no space between them whatever, just the streets separated the buildings.