1. (noun) enlargement.
Ko te whakarahinga tētahi o ngā panoni matua. Ina whakarahia tētahi mea, ka noho pūmau te āhua, te ahunga me ngā koki, engari ka rerekē te roa o ngā tapa. Ka whakareatia ia tapa ki te taurahi kia hua mai ngā tapa o te mātātuhi (TRP 2010:323). / Enlargement is one of the main transformations. If something is enlarged, its shape, orientation and its angles remain invariant, but the length of the sides change. Each side is multiplied by a scale factor to produce the sides of the image of the object (TRP 2010:323).
1. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to enlarge, lengthen, magnify, increase, expand, extend, amplify.
I ēnei hararei ka tae mai ngā kāmura ki te hanga i ētahi rūma hou hei whakarahi atu i Hukarere (TKO 1/12/1917:13). / These holidays the carpenters arrive to build some new rooms to enlarge Hukarere.
Synonyms: whakaroa, aukume, haumi, whakakaitā, whakanui, whakaroaka
2. (modifier) enlarging, magnifying, expanding, amplifying, increasing.
Nāna i ahu tētehi momo whakahaere mō te karu whakarahi, hei whakaatu i ngā ngārara moroiti kei rō wai paru (TTR 1996:140). / He developed a use of the microscope to show the micro-organisms in impure water.
3. (noun) enlargement, magnification, expansion, amplification, increase.
Ko Ngata tēnā e kōkiri tonu nā i tana kaupapa ahu whenua Māori me tana whakarahi haere i ngā whakapaunga moni kāwanatanga i te wā e horo atu ana a Aotearoa ki te pae o te kore moni (TTR 1996:109) / Ngata was thrusting ahead with his Māori land development and increasing the expenditure of state funds at the time that the country was slipping into depression.
1. (verb) (-tia) to enlarge, expand, magnify.
Synonyms: whakanui, whakarahi, whakaroaka
1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to enlarge, magnify, expand.
Otirā he māmā noa te kite a te Pākehā, i tāna taonga, i te karaihe whakanui, hei whakanui i ngā mea ririki kia kitea ai (TP 4/1901:6). / But the Pākehā can easily see them with his instrument, the microscope, to enlarge tiny things so that they can be seen.
Synonyms: whakakaitā, whakarahi, whakaroaka
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to celebrate, honour, exalt, commemorate.
He whakamōhio noa atu tēnei kua mahia mai e te Taura Whiri he poraka, he tīhāte hei whakanui i te Tau o te Reo Māori (HM 4/1994:12). / This is a notification that the Māori Language Commission has produced some sweaters and Tee-shirts to celebrate Māori Language Year.
3. (modifier) enlarging, magnifying.
Otirā he māmā noa te kite a te Pākehā, i tāna taonga, i te karaihe whakanui, hei whakanui i ngā mea ririki kia kitea ai (TP 4/1901:6). / But the Pākehā can easily see them with his instrument, the microscope, to enlarge tiny things so that they can be seen.
4. (modifier) celebratory, commemorative.
Nō te tau 1897 i haere ai a Taiāwhio ki te hui whakanui i te tiupirī taimana a Kuīni Wikitōria i Rānana (TTR 1996:234). / In 1897 Taiāwhio travelled to London to the celebratory gathering of Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee.
5. (noun) celebration, commemoration.
Ahakoa te roa o muri, te poto o mua, inā te nui o āna mahi āwhina i a Āpirana ki te whakahaere i ngā whakanui mō te rau tau o te hainatanga o te Tiriti o Waitangi i te tau 1940 (TTR 1998:7). / Even as his life was drawing to a close he was heavily involved, with Āpirana, in organising the celebrations in 1940 for the centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
1. (noun) scale factor for enlargement.
Ina whakarahia tētahi mea, ka noho pūmau te āhua, te ahunga me ngā koki, engari ka rerekē te roa o ngā tapa. Ka whakareatia ia tapa ki te taurahi kia hua mai ngā tapa o te mātātuhi (TRP 2010:323). / If something is enlarged, its shape, orientation and its angles remain invariant, but the length of the sides change. Each side is multiplied by a scale factor to produce the sides of the image of the object (TRP 2010:323).
1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to afford shelter, shelter, protect.
I te pō o te 10 o Hune 1886, arā, i te pō o te hū, e 62 ngā tāngata i whakaruruhia e Te Paea i tōna whare i Te Wairoa (TTR 1994:25). / On the night of 10 June 1886, that is the night of the eruption, Sophia sheltered 62 people in her house at Te Wairoa.
Synonyms: whakamarumaru, whakaruruhau, rauhī, parahau, araarai, taumaru, whakahau, whakangungu, whakamaru, pare, whakahaumaru, rī, manaaki, tiaki, taumarumaru, whakamauru, maru, piringa, tīhokahoka, whakamaurutanga, tāwharau, ruruhau, pātakitaki, pāruru, tūrutu, pātūtū
2. (modifier) affording shelter, sheltering, protecting.
Ka whakataua e Whitmore me ruru a Te Urewera, kia kore ai e whai wāhi whakaruru, wāhi whakarato taonga, wāhi taritari ope rānei a Te Kooti me ngā mōrehu kaiārahi i te Hauhau (TTR 1990:384). / Whitmore decided that the Urewera would have to be invaded, so that Te Kooti and the surviving Hauhau leaders wouldn't have a sanctuary and a supply of goods or a recruitment area.
Synonyms: whakahaumaru, ruruhau, whakawhare, tīhoka, whakamarumaru, tāwharau
3. (noun) screen, shelter, protector.
Nō te mea ko ia tō rātou whakaruru, ka whakatūpato atu a Te Whatanui kia kaua e haere (TTR 1990:335). / Because he was their protector, Te Whatanui warned them not to go.
Synonyms: parepare, ruruhau, kaiwhakamarumaru, whakamarumaru, whakaruruhau, tītopa, pāhoka, pāhokahoka, pātakitaki, tūrutu, pātūtū, rī, tauārai, mata, pā, ārai, rīanga, takitaki, pākai, pākai riri, araarai, pātū, pekerangi, ārei
4. (noun) facial gesture in kapa haka where the enlarged eyes stare in one direction and the tongue protrudes in the opposite direction.
Ko te whakaruru, koia te tiro korotaha o ngā whatu nunui, me te whātero ki taha kē (RMR 2017). / The whakaruru facial gesture is where the enlarged eyes stare sideways and the tongue protrudes in the opposite side.
2. (noun) swelling.
Me hoatu he ūkui mātao ki te uruhumu hei patu i te mamae (PK 2008:1037). / A cold wipe should be placed on the swelling to ease the pain.
2. (noun) Adam's apple - the laryngeal prominence at the front of the neck, larger in a man.
Tāpua ana tērā te tenga o te tāne whīroki rā (PK 2008:914). / The Adam's apple of that skinny man is quite prominent.
3. (noun) goitre - a swelling of the neck resulting from enlargement of the thyroid gland commonly caused by an iodine deficiency in the diet.
He wahine Māori tērā, ko tōna mate he tenga i tōna kakī. Ka tata ki te 30 ngā tau i tipu ai taua tenga ki tōna kakī (TTT 1/1/1925:172). / That is a Māori women and her illness is a goitre in her neck. The goitre had been growing in her neck for nearly 30 years.
Hāpata, Te
1. (loan) (personal name) Williams, Herbert William (1860-1937) - Anglican bishop and Māori liguist who greatly enlarged the fifth edition of A Dictionary of the Maori language. He and Āpirana Ngata campaigned for the recognition of Māori language in the University of New Zealand, listed for the BA degree in 1928.
Nā tōna tautōhito ki te reo Māori, i karangatia a ia ki te komiti whakahou i te pukapuka kupu Māori a Te Hāpata, arā, te 'Dictionary of the Maori language' (TTR 1998:169). / Because of his skill in the Māori language, he was invited to join the committee to revise and edit H. W. Williams’s 'Dictionary of the Maori language'.