



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-tia,-hia,-ngia) to desire, attracted to.

2. (noun) desire, aspiration, wish.

Ko te tāpara, ko te matanā kei te mārama, ko te whakatutuki kei te mārama nā reira okea ururoatia! (HM 3/1995:6). / The wish and desire is clear, and how to achieve it is understood, so get on with it!

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1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to desire, wish for, yearn for, aspire to.

Kei whakaaro aku hoa, me ka tae mai, tērā rātou e whakamanuhiritia ki tētahi karaihe o te wai kaha e tamemetia nei e tātou. E kore e hoatu (TWMNT 28/7/1874:189). / My friends should not expect that if they visit me that I will welcome them with a glass of the strong drink that we much relished. I shall not do so.

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Synonyms: wawata, warawara, wara, konau, muri aroha, ingo, kōnohi, āwhitu, ohia, murimuri aroha, ingoingo, hōkaka

2. (noun) desire, wish.

Heoi anō te tameme o te ngākau kia pai noa ake ēnei tau kei mua i ō tātou aroaro i ērā kua pahure (HM 1/1990:1). / However, the desire is that the years ahead of us are better than those that have passed.

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1. (verb) to desire, want, wish for, yearn for, aspire to, fancy, hanker after.

Ko te mea ia i tino hōkaka ai ia, ka haere ia ki a Te Whatuiāpiti, hei hoa mōna (TWM 25/6/1864:3). / What she earnestly desired was to go to Te Whatuiāpiti to be his wife.

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Synonyms: tameme, wawata, warawara, wara, konau, muri aroha, ingo, kōnohi, āwhitu, ohia, murimuri aroha, ingoingo

2. (noun) desire, wish, want, hope, aspiration, attraction (sexual).


1. (verb) (-tia) to show affection for, cherish, care for, hold dear, fret for, take to heart, long for, desire.

I whakangākau pono tonu a Iriaka ki te whakatinana i ngā painga o ana kaipōti katoa (TTR 2000:176). / Iriaka conscientiously attempted to represent the interests of all her constituents.

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Synonyms: kuika, kūwata, tōmina, kare, kuatau, pūkōnohinohi, manako, ōkaka, hihiri, kaimomotu, āmene, korou, popono, pūkōnohinohi, warawara, wawata, wara, ohia, mānakonako, tāmina, kūata

2. (noun) affection, regard.

Me te rongo atu anō hoki i ō kōrua mamae me tō kōrua whakangākau ki ō kōrua tūpuna, ki a Te Whiti rāua ko Tohu (HM 2/1995:1). / And we felt your pain and affection for your ancestors, Te Whiti and Tohu.

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Synonyms: kōtua, whakarangatira


1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to desire, wish anxiously for, want, show favour to, treat kindly.

Heoi anō, nā te hiahia tonu o Timi Kara ki te puri i ngā whakahaere, ka tohua e ia he tiamana ki ngā poari e popore ana ki te rīhi (TTR 1994:13). / However, because of James Carroll's desire to hold onto control, he appointed chairmen to the boards who favoured leasing.

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tino mate nui ki

1. to have a passion for, have a great desire for.

He tangata i tino mate nui ki ngā mahi tākaro, ka riro nei ia hei kanohi mō Ākarana mō ngā tākaro poiuka, poikōpiko nei hoki (TTR 2000:236). / He had a passion for sport, representing Auckland at softball and table tennis.

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1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to desire, crave, hanker after, long for, yearn for, have a dependency (on).

2. (verb) to be addicted, craving, ravenous, dying for, famished.

E oho ana i te awatea kei te warawara te hiakai (W 1971:479). / On waking in the daytime one is ravenous.

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Synonyms: pakaroa

3. (verb) to be uncertain.

Tukua ana e 500 eka i Pākōwhai hei whenua rāhui ki te kuia o Te Hata, ki a Mere Karaka me ētahi atu. Engari nō te whakarerekētanga i ngā ture whenua Māori i muri mai, ka warawara noa te mana whenua o te iwi o Te Hata (TTR 1998:214). / 500 acres at Pākōwhai had been granted as a reserve to Te Hata's grandmother, Mere Karaka, and others, but because Māori land legislation had been changed subsequently, the land rights of Te Hata’s people were uncertain.

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4. (noun) craving, thirst, addiction.

Nā tana warawara mō te wheako, ka tino aronui a ia ki tana mahi (Ng 1993:482). / Because of her thirst for experience, she threw herself into her work.

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