



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (modifier) tinned, canned.

I mate tētahi tamaiti ki Ūawa; ki tā te tākuta kī ko te take o te mate he kaha nō te whāngainga i taua tamaiti ki te mīti tīni (TP 10/1905:10). / A child died at Tolaga Bay; according to the doctor, the reason for the death was that that child was fed too much tinned meat.

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2. (loan) (noun) tin, can.

He poaka, he huahua me ērā atu kai, tīni whurutu, pītiti, pea (TP 5/1904:5). / Pork, preserved birds and other food, tins of fruit, peaches and pears.

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1. (adjective) be countless, innumerable, numerous, many.

He tini ngā mano i hinga (NM 1928:88). / Many thousands fell.

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Synonyms: takitini, nui, tuarea, mahamaha, te hanga a te, te mahi a te ..., tokomaha, pio, maha, tuauriuri, marea, wene, mahi, hia, maruru, makehua, rea, papata, makiu, rahi, huhua, hira

2. (modifier) very many.

E rua ngā kōti tēnehi, me tētahi wāhi purei hōkī, otirā he wāhi motuhake mō ngā tini tākaro a ngā tamariki (TTT 1/12/1930:2201). / There were two tennis courts and a place to play hockey, indeed a special place for the many children's games.

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3. (noun) multitude, crowd, great number, horde, throng, lots, myriad.

Kāti, e Mate, haere rā i tō tira mokemoke ki tō tāua tini, ki tō tāua mano e kāpunipuni mai rā i te haumūmūtanga o te tangata, haere atu rā (HM 4/2009:4). / Well, Mate, go with your lonely travelling party to our many ancestors gathered in silence, farewell.

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Synonyms: mano, marea, hākerekere, nuipuku, mātinitini, tinitini, takitini, huhua, ngerongero, hira, ngero, tuauriuri


1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to change, amend.

Kotahi te Māori e tīni ana i tōna moni, homai ana e te Pākehā te tīni (TJ 11/5/1899:13). / There was a Māori changing his money, and the Pākehā gave the change.

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2. (loan) (noun) change (money).

Kotahi te Māori e tīni ana i tōna moni, homai ana e te Pākehā te tīni (TJ 11/5/1899:13). / There was a Māori changing his money, a Pākehā gave the change.

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1. (loan) (noun) chain.

Ko te mahi nei a tētahi he tō tīni, tā tētahi he tua rākau, tā tētahi he amo kāheru (TW 12/10/1878:511). / The job of one was to drag a chain to survey with, another’s was to cut trees down and another was to carry spades.

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1. (loan) (personal name) Jennie.


1. (verb) (-a) to caulk, block, stop, quench (a fire).

Ka roa e takoto ana ki runga kaipuke, ka pūmāhu, ka kā tonu iho— - he kā torohū, ā wera tonu te kaipuke, e kore e taea te tini (TWM 30/12/1869:1). / After lying on the ship for a long time, it heated up and began to burn - a smouldering fire and the ship was burnt out, it could not be stopped.

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1. (loan) (noun) gin - an alcoholic spirit distilled from grain.

He wehike, he parani, he tīni, he pia (HKW 7/1898:3). / Whiskey, brandy, gin and beer.

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1. (loan) (noun) can, tin (Sn).

Ko tētahi mea hē rawa, ko te raweke a ētahi o ā rāua tamariki i ngā kēne whurutu, arā, he mea wero ngā tini, kātahi ka unumia te wai, ka whakahokia ki runga i ngā whata (TTR 1996:60). / One problem was that some of their children would meddle with the cans of fruit, that is they would puncture the tins, drink the juice and put them back on the shelves.

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See also tīni

mano tini

1. (numeral) an exceedingly great number.

Ka meinga e ahau ōu mano tini, te hunga nanakia o ngā iwi, rātou katoa kia hinga i ngā hoari a ngā mārohirohi: ā ka pāhuatia e rātou ngā mea whakaī o Īhipa, ka ngaro anō o reira mano tini katoa (PT Ehekiera 12/32). / By the swords of the mighty will I cause thy multitude to fall, the terrible of the nations, all of them: and they shall spoil the pomp of Egypt, and all the multitude thereof shall be destroyed.

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tini o Rūaumoko

1. (noun) the multitudes of Rūaumoko.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 72-96; Te Māhuri Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 1;)

tini o te hakuturi, te

1. (noun) mythical forest guardians.

Kātahi anō a Rātā ka kite atu e haere mai ana te iwi rā, arā, te tini o te hakuturi; ngā manu whai parirau, me ngā ngārara ngōkingōki katoa o te ngahere (TWK 2:18). / Then for the first time Rātā saw those folk coming, that is the mythical forest guardians; the birds with wings, and all the creepy-crawly beings of the forest.

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Synonyms: hakituri

Iti pou kapua huna tini whetū

1. A small dark cloud that hides many stars: something small that mars ruins the good things of an initiative.

Kei noho tō mahi hē nei hei iti pou kapua huna tini whetū / Least your wrongs become a cloud that blocks out all of the stars.

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Tautiaki i ngā tini a Tangaroa, Te

1. Ministry of Fisheries.

He iti pou kapua hunga tini whetū ki te rangi

1. Traditionally a whakataukī that compared an enemy overcome by a smaller force. In another context it can refer to something that overshadows the positives of an event or situation.

A small cloud that blocks out many stars. /

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1. (adjective) small.


1. (modifier) small, unimportant, little, minute, tiny, diminutive, petite, trivial, insignificant.

Tēnei ngā hua kareao ka tukua atu e au, e rima hereni, hei oranga mō te manu koroiti nei, arā mō 'Te Pīpīwharauroa' (HKW 1/7/1900:10). / Here are the supplejack berries that I'm sending you, five shillings, as sustenance for this little bird, that is for 'Te Pīpīwharauroa' (the shining cuckoo).

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See also iti

Synonyms: muimui, mahake, pota, pakupaku, nonohi, riki, nohinohi, paku, kauriki, whito, mākari, tātakimōri, iti, poniponi, pinepine, tuaiti, whengowhengo, whetau, mataririki, mōkitokito, matariki

2. (noun)  little finger, little toe.

Ko ngā tāngata o te kāinga he tokomaha, ko ngā Paipera, kia tīmata te tatau ki te koromatua o te ringaringa kāhore e tutuki ki te koroiti (TKO 5/1915:8). / There are many people of the village, but the Bibles, if you begin counting from the thumb you won't reach the little finger.

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See also kōiti

Synonyms: kōiti, tōiti


1. (verb) to be the size of a fist.

He ringatahi te nui o te weriweri mea rā e tipu ana i tana puku (PK 2008:774). / The size of that horrible thing growing in her stomach was the size of a fist.

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2. (noun) pint-sized, very small, tiny, pocket-sized.

Tērā tētahi Pākehā ko Tiringi he ringatahi kua tae ki Poihākene, e kīia ana ko taua tangata te tino tiamupiena o te ao mō te haere i ngā haere tino roa (TJ 6/10/1898:11). / There is a pint sized Pākehā, Tiringi, who has arrived in Sydney who is said to be the world long distance champion.

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1. (verb) to be minute, small, tiny, miniscule, microscopic.

He mōkitokito te ngārara puehu - e kore e kitea e te karu (PK 2008:466). / Dust mites are microscopic - they can't be seen by the naked eye.

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2. (modifier) minute, small, tiny, miniscule, microscopic.

He kongakonga mōkitokito te hae o te pua. / Pollen is microscopic grains of a flower.

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Synonyms: merowhetau, koroiti, mataririki, mahake, pakupaku, matariki, paku, tātakimōri


1. (modifier) small, little, minute, tiny, diminutive.

He kurī mahake tā te kuia. / The elderly woman has a small dog.

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See also iti

Synonyms: koroiti, muimui, pota, pakupaku, nonohi, riki, nohinohi, paku, kauriki, whito, mākari, tātakimōri, iti, poniponi, pinepine, tuaiti, whengowhengo, whetau, mataririki, mōkitokito, matariki


1. (verb) (-a) to swarm round, infest, plague, flock to - in large numbers.

E kī ana ā tātou tamariki i hoki mai i te whawhai koia nei tētahi mate nui o rātou i Īhipa me Karipori, he nui nō te rango. Tū ana te kai, muimui ana te rango, pango tonu (RK 1994:197). / Our children returned from the war saying that that was a great problem of theirs in Egypt and Gallipoli, there were masses of flies. Whenever a meal was held, the flies swarmed round and it was black with them.

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Synonyms: taru, mui, urutā, mate urutā

2. (modifier) small, diminutive, little, tiny.

He pūru e āpititū ana, engari he pouaka māti noa iho te rahi. He ātaahua, he māwhero me te mā te āhua o tēnei rori. Ko āna kai he kararehe muimui (TWK 36:9). / A bull charging, but only a box of matches in size. This sea-slug appearance is beautiful, pink and white.Its food is small creatures.

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Synonyms: nonohi, riki, nohinohi, paku, kauriki, whito, mākari, koroiti, iti, poniponi, pinepine, tuaiti, whengowhengo, whetau, tātakimōri, mahake, pota, pakupaku

3. (noun) anything small, anything tiny.

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