1. (verb) (-a) to swarm round, infest, plague, flock to - in large numbers.
E kī ana ā tātou tamariki i hoki mai i te whawhai koia nei tētahi mate nui o rātou i Īhipa me Karipori, he nui nō te rango. Tū ana te kai, muimui ana te rango, pango tonu (RK 1994:197). / Our children returned from the war saying that that was a great problem of theirs in Egypt and Gallipoli, there were masses of flies. Whenever a meal was held, the flies swarmed round and it was black with them.
Synonyms: taru, mui, urutā, mate urutā
2. (modifier) small, diminutive, little, tiny.
He pūru e āpititū ana, engari he pouaka māti noa iho te rahi. He ātaahua, he māwhero me te mā te āhua o tēnei rori. Ko āna kai he kararehe muimui (TWK 36:9). / A bull charging, but only a box of matches in size. This sea-slug appearance is beautiful, pink and white.Its food is small creatures.
Synonyms: nonohi, riki, nohinohi, paku, kauriki, whito, mākari, koroiti, iti, poniponi, pinepine, tuaiti, whengowhengo, whetau, tātakimōri, mahake, pota, pakupaku
3. (noun) anything small, anything tiny.