1. (verb) to be stunted, undersized, small, little.
He iwi tangata popoto tērā, he ngaunga hoki nā te makariri i kore ai e roroa ake, ā, e pērā ana anō hoki ngā kararehe. I kawea ki reira te kau, te hōiho, te hipi i mua. He whakaaro nā ngā kaikawe kia whakatuputupuria. Nā, ko te nuinga i mate; whānau ake he kuao torutoru nei. Hua noa te tangata tērā e nunui ake. Ā, whito noa iho te tupu (MM.TKM 1/6/1855:8). / The people are short, because of how cold it is they are not tall, and the cattle are the same. Cows, horses and sheep, were taken there in former times. The people that introduced them thought they would breed and do well, but the majority died, and the few young ones that lived that the people thought would be big were stunted in size.
Synonyms: koroiti, muimui, mahake, pota, pakupaku, nonohi, riki, nohinohi, paku, kauriki, mākari, tātakimōri, iti, poniponi, pinepine, tuaiti, whengowhengo, whetau
2. (noun) dwarf, small person, person of restricted growth.
Tokorua ngā tāngata o te ope whakaeke he whito, ā, ka pōhēhē ētahi o te iwi kāinga he tamariki rāua. / Two people of the group coming on were small people and some of the hosts thought mistakenly that they were children.