1. (modifier) small, unimportant, little, minute, tiny, diminutive, petite, trivial, insignificant.
Tēnei ngā hua kareao ka tukua atu e au, e rima hereni, hei oranga mō te manu koroiti nei, arā mō 'Te Pīpīwharauroa' (HKW 1/7/1900:10). / Here are the supplejack berries that I'm sending you, five shillings, as sustenance for this little bird, that is for 'Te Pīpīwharauroa' (the shining cuckoo).
See also iti
Synonyms: muimui, mahake, pota, pakupaku, nonohi, riki, nohinohi, paku, kauriki, whito, mākari, tātakimōri, iti, poniponi, pinepine, tuaiti, whengowhengo, whetau, mataririki, mōkitokito, matariki
2. (noun) little finger, little toe.
Ko ngā tāngata o te kāinga he tokomaha, ko ngā Paipera, kia tīmata te tatau ki te koromatua o te ringaringa kāhore e tutuki ki te koroiti (TKO 5/1915:8). / There are many people of the village, but the Bibles, if you begin counting from the thumb you won't reach the little finger.
See also kōiti