1. (noun) elder brother (of a male), elder sister (of a female), cousin (of the same gender from a more senior branch of the family), prefect.
Ka kite hoki taku tuakana i a au e tū ana i te taha o te huarahi i tō mātau kāinga, ka whakatū ia i ana hōiho, kia piki atu au ki runga i te rore, ka noho i tōna taha (HP 1991:22). / And when my elder brother saw me standing at the side of the road at our home he stopped his horses and I climbed onto the lorry and sat beside him.
Synonyms: piriwheke
1. (noun) brother-in-law (of a female).
Nā Te Tāite i whakaatu ki a au nā tōna tipuna nā Parekahurangi te waiata nei, he tangi nāna ki te tira o ōna tungāne, o ōna autāne, e hoki ana mai i Taupō ki Kapiti, ki Manawatū (M 2007:240). / It was Te Tāite who told me that his ancestor Parekahurangi composed this song, a lament by her for a travelling party of her male siblings and her brothers-in-law who were returning from Taupō to Kapiti and Manawatū.
1. (noun) elder brothers (of a male), elder sisters (of a female), cousins (of the same gender from a more senior branch of the family).
Ko ngā tuākana ake o Tūmate Mahuta ko Te Rata, te Kīngi tuawhā, me Taipū, nō te tau 1924 tēnei i mate ai (TTR 1998:94). / Tūmate Mahuta's elder brothers were Te Rata, the fourth King, and Taipū, who died in 1924.
1. (noun) brother (of a female), male cousin (of a female).
Nā tēnei ahau tō koutou tungāne, te tangata hoki nāna i hapahapai ō koutou ingoa whakahuahua ki ngā marae, tae noa ki roto ki te Pāremata o Te Kotahitanga (TJ 12/10/1899:12). / I, your brother and cousin, am the person who repeatedly raised your names on the marae, even in the Te Kotahitanga Movement's parliament.
1. (loan) (noun) brother, cousin.
Taku whakakitenga ki te Pākehā ko te wati, mea atu ana ahau nō tōku parata te wati, nō taku putanga ki waho i te whare herehere ka kite ahau i Tauteka, ā homai ana e ia ngā rohi ka kai mātau, ā ka haehae te paraikete tawhito (TKM 24/5/1849:2). / I showed the Europeans the watch, and said that it belonged to my brother. After I left the gaol, I saw Tauteka; he gave me some bread; we ate together, and tore up an old blanket.
2. (noun) younger sibling, younger brother or sister of a first-born child.
E hia ōu tatao? (W 1971:380). / How many younger brothers and sister do you have?
2. (noun) variety of native rat, Rattus exulans.
Ko te kiore te ingoa noa o tēnei kararehe ki Aotearoa nei, heoi, arā atu anō ngā ingoa: maungarua, mō te kiore rahi; tāpapa, he kiore ora te tipu; torokaha, he kiore nui; tokoroa, he kiore kiritea; hāmua, he tohu aituā, kīhai i kainga (Te Ara 2016). / Kiore is the usual name given to this species in New Zealand, although there are other names: maungarua is a large rat; tāpapa a well-grown rat; torokaha a big rat; tokoroa a white rat; while hāmua was a rat considered an ill omen and was not eaten.
1. (noun) younger brothers (of a male), younger sisters (of a female), cousins (of same gender from a more junior branch of the family).
Ki te whakaae ngā tāina me tō rātou tuahine me ō rātou mātua me ngā hapū, me ngā iwi o te whaea, o te pāpā rānei, ka noho ēnei karanga ki runga ki a Pape he ariki mātāmua ia nō ēnā hapū me ēnā uri (JPS 1909:90). / If his younger brothers, their sister, their parents, and the hapū and iwi of the mother or father consent, he is made first-born ariki of those hapū and descendants.
See also tēina
1. (personal name) according to some narratives, he was the eldest son of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku. He was banished to Whiti-reinga by his father because he continually attacked his brothers. Some say that he was a star that took Hiwa-i-te-rangi (Calaeno) as his wife. Represents peace and all peaceful conditions and pursuits.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-42;)
Ko Ioio-whenua te tama mātāmua a Rangi-nui rāua ko Papa-tū-ā-nuku (HWM n.d.). / Ioio-whenua was the first born son of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku.
1. (personal name) Arawa ancestor who was killed by his elder brothers for eating their preserved pigeons. He was revived by karakia but was held captive by Kurangaituku until he eventually escaped. The photograph shows the rock that Hatupatu is reputed to have hidden in when escaping from Kurangaituku.
1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-nga,-tia) to feed, nourish, bring up, foster, adopt, raise, nurture, rear.
Kaua hei whāngaia te pēpi ki te pātara (TTT 1/10/1927:699). / Don't feed the baby with a bottle.
Synonyms: hikutira, hikumaro, kōkai, taute, poipoi, ahu, whaipainga, whai painga, whakawairākau, riaki, whakatū, whakaara, whakaikeike, whakarawe, whakatipu, whakatāiri, whakaaranga, kōranga, hāpai, hī, huataki, rangahua, huaranga, araara, whakatiputipu, whakakaurera, riariaki, whakatairangaranga, hiki, mairanga, whakapakeke, whakatupu
2. (modifier) fostered, adoptive, foster.
Ka mate te matua whāngai, e riro rānei te whenua o te tūpāpaku i te tamaiti whāngai?...Ko te tikanga Māori mō te tamaiti whāngai, ka hoki anō ki roto i ngā pānga o ōna mātua ake, i runga anō i te take huihui, i heke mai i roto i te tino take ki te whenua, kāore hoki te whāngai e tangohia i waho o ngā whakapapa me te toto (TPH 30/8/1902:2). / When the foster parent dies, is the land of the deceased inherited by the foster child?...In Māori custom an adopted child would fall back on the rights to the land shares of his/her birth parents which would occur in gatherings where the inheritance of land was passed on, and the foster child would not have rights outside genealogical and blood ties. (Statements by Īhāia Hūtana of Ngāti Kahungunu.)
See also matua whāngai, mātua whāngai, tamaiti whāngai, whaea whāngai, tamariki whāngai
3. (noun) foster child, adopted child - this is a customary practice. Often a couple's first child was brought up by grandparents or adopted by one of the brothers or sisters of a parent, but almost always the foster child was a blood relation, usually a close relation. This practice continues today, but inheritance of land and property is not clear-cut. Sometimes the foster child would be entitled to inherit the foster father's property, especially if a child was adopted at birth and remained with the foster parents through to adulthood and looked after the adopted parent(s) in their old age. In this case the foster child would share the interests with any natural children. The rights of a foster child might be modified if an ōhākī (bequest) by the foster father had been made. Foster children always knew who their natural parents were.
Nō te whānautanga o Te Ataihaea, he kōtiro, kua hiahia tō mātau māmā kia riro mai i a ia hai whāngai māna (HP 1991:19). / When Te Ataihaea, a girl, was born our mother wanted to adopt her as a foster child.