



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) correct procedure, custom, habit, lore, method, manner, rule, way, code, meaning, plan, practice, convention, protocol - the customary system of values and practices that have developed over time and are deeply embedded in the social context .

Ko ngā pereti kai he rourou; kāore he paoka, kāore he naihi, arā i tino whakaritea katoatia ki tā te Māori tikanga (TP 1/12/1900:14). / The eating plates were flax food baskets; there were no knives and forks, that is everything was organised according to Māori custom.
Ko ngā tikanga pai e tika ana kia puritia kia mau, hei tikanga mau tonu mō ngā whakatupuranga, ahakoa tikanga whenua, taonga rānei, mahi ā-ringa, whai kai rānei, ngā whakahaere o te pakanga, ōna tūwaewae rānei, ehara anō hoki i te tikanga kino ngā tikanga Māori (TPH 30/8/1902:3) / It is right that the beneficial customs should be retained as lasting practices for future generations, whether they be customs relating to land or property, crafts or procuring food, the procedures for conducting war or for visitors, and Māori practices are not bad ones.

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Synonyms: tikanga tuku iho, wānanga, tūmomo, momo, , māoritanga, māramatanga, tukanga, pēwheatanga, tāera, huarahi, ritenga, kawa, tino rangatiratanga, ture, kāwanatanga, rūri, whakatakotoranga, whakaaro, tītakataka, kaupapa, tātai, whakangārahu, mahere, whakatakoto, whakamahere, hoahoa, take, whakakaupapa

2. (noun) correct, right.

Kei te tautoko te iwi Māori i tēnei pire, nō te mea e kite ana rātou mā tēnei pire ka oti he tikanga e taea ai e rātou te rīhi i ō rātou whenua (RT 2013:81). / The Māori people are supporting this bill because they can see that with this bill they have a right whereby they will be able to lease their lands.

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See also kei a [koe] te tikanga, (ko) te/tōna tikanga

Synonyms: ake, tika, matau, mōtika, tonu, matatika, tōtika, take, heipū

3. (noun) reason, purpose, motive.

He houhanga rongo te tikanga o te haere (TH 1/4/1861:2). / Peacemaking was the reason for the trip.

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Synonyms: kaupapa, aronga, hoaketanga, whāinga, koronga, take, tātai, mea, pūnga, pūtake, takunetanga

4. (noun) meaning, method, technique.

He aha te tikanga o taua kupu a Te Wharehuia i roto i tana whaikōrero? / What is the meaning of that word that Te Wharehuia used in his speech?

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wāwāhi tikanga

1. (adjective) radical.

whai tikanga

1. (adjective) formal.

tikanga whakawhenumi

1. (noun) assimilation policy.

tikanga whakakonekone

1. (noun) aversion therapy.

tikanga ōhanga

1. (noun) principles of economics.

tikanga whakauru

1. (noun) substitution method.

Ko te tikanga whakauru te whakakapi i tētahi taurangi o tētahi kīanga, o tētahi whārite rānei ki tētahi tau, ki tētahi atu kīanga rānei. Hei tauira, ina whakaurua te 5 hei whakakapi i te 'a' i te kīanga 3a, ka hua ko te 15 (3 x 5) (TRP 2010:289). / Substitution method is replacing a variable in an expression or equation with a number or with another expression. For example, if 5 is substituted for 'x' in the expression 3x, 15 is the result (TRP 2010:289).

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tikanga rua

1. (noun) biculturalism.

I whāia nuitia ngā rangatira tikanga rua e pūkenga ana ki te whakatakoto kaupapa ki te ao Pākehā (TTR 1994:180). / Biculturally competent leaders who were skilled in managing the relationships with the Pākehā world were in high demand.

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whai tikanga

1. (verb) (-tia) to be formal, handy, important, meaningful, have importance.

Kāhore ia i tino whakapono e whai tikanga ana te whakaminenga o ngā rangatira (TTR 1990:58). / He did not believe that the confederation of chiefs was a serious prospect.

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2. (verb) (-tia) to have a right, have an interest.

Ki te whakaaro o te Komiti kāhore i whakaaturia mai he tino take kia whai tikangatia ai te Ture Whakatikatika i te Ture Ārai i ngā Tuku hē i ngā Whenua Māori, 1873 (TWMNT 17/4/1877:107). / This Committee is of opinion that no sufficient cause has been shown for interfering with the provisions of The Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act Amendment Act, 1873.

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3. (modifier) important, meaningful, pivotal.

Nā Paurini Te Whatarau, he rangatira ahurei nō Ngāti Pūkenga, te mahi whai tikanga i riro mai ai he wāhi noho mō tōna iwi i Maketū (TTR 1994:143). / Paurini Te Whatarau, a prominent Ngāti Pukenga chief, played a pivotal role in securing living space for his people at Maketū.

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4. (noun) importance, value.

Ka kite a Tirarau i te whai tikanga o te mahi tahi me te kāwanatanga (TTR 1994:166). / Tirarau saw the importance of co-operating with the government.

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tikanga whakahaere

1. (noun) management practices.

Nō te hokinga tuarua o Hōri Kerei hei kāwana, ka whakahē a Taratoa i tana tikanga whakahaere i te motu (TTR 1990:160). / During George Grey's second term as governor, Taratoa opposed his system of management of the country.

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tikanga haumaru

1. (noun) safety practice, safety procedure.

whakahou tikanga pūtea

1. (noun) financial reform.


1. (noun) biculturalism.

2. (adjective) bicultural.

kaimātai tikanga tangata

1. (noun) anthropologist.

tikanga whakapūmau maumahara

1. (noun) memory device.

Kai roto i te tuhingaroa nei e whakaatu ana ēnei tikanga whakapūmau maumahara (WT 2013:xii). / These memory devices will be used throughout this dissertation to show their role in remembering and memorising (WT 2013:xii).

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tikanga whakawātea whare

1. (noun) evacuation drill.

mati whai tikanga

1. (noun) significant figure (digit).

Ko te mati whai tikanga, koia nei te nui o ngā mati e tika ana hei whakaatu i te uara o tētahi tau mēnā e whakaawhiwhia ana taua tau. Hei tauira, ko te tāroaroa o tētahi tangata - kia 3 ngā mati whai tikanga, arā pea ko te 1.76m. Kāore he take o te 1.76459m (kāore hoki e taea kia pērā rawa te tōtika o te ine). Ki te whakaawhiwhia te 0.0287 kia rua ngā mati whai tikanga, ko te 0.03 tērā. Ki te whakaawhiwhia te 3,745 kia rua ngā mati whai tikanga, ko te 3,700 tērā (TRP 2010:169). / A significant figure is the number of digits necessary to show the value of a number when rounding off, or making an approximation. For example, giving the height of a person to three significant figures would be 1.76m. The exactness of a measure such as 1.76459m would be unnecessary, and difficult to measure correctly. Rounding 0.0287 to two significant figures would be 0.03. Rounding 3,745 to two significant figures would be 3,700 (TRP 2010:169).

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tikanga tuku iho

1. (noun) customary law, tradition, lore, custom.

Ko Tukumana te tino kaiwhakamārama o ngā tikanga tuku iho a ngā iwi o Marutūāhu whānui tonu, tēnā rawa ia, a Ngāti Whanaunga ake (TTR 1996:232). / Tukumana was the exponent of the traditions of the tribes of Marutūāhu generally, but of Ngāti Whanaunga in particular.

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Synonyms: tikanga, wānanga

mātauranga tikanga tangata

1. (noun) anthropology.

Ka haere tonu ngā mahi a Te Rangi Hīroa ki te whai i te kaupapa i kaingākautia nei e ia, arā, te mātauranga tikanga tangata (TTR 1996:14). / Buck continued to pursue the discipline that was dear to him, which was anthropology.

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he tikanga, he pononga

1. (adjective) axiomatic.

2. (noun) affidavit.

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