1. (verb) (-a,-ngia) to put in, thrust in, plug up, block, thrust in, cram in, load (a gun).
Ki te purua atu he poaka ora i tētahi pito o taua mīhini, ka puta mai he tōtiti katoa i tētahi pito (TP 10/1899:12). / If a live pig is thrust in one end of the machine, sausages all emerge at the other end.
I warea anō te tangata nei ki te puru i tana pū (TTT 1/4/1924:25). / This man was occupied loading his gun.
Synonyms: whakapuru, kawenga, wahanga, pīkaunga, whakauru, komo, maka, kokomo
2. (noun) bung, plug, cork, filler, finger hole.
Kātahi rātou ka tahuri ki te tapatapahi i ngā kaha o ngā waka, ki te unuunu hoki i ngā puru (NM 1928:143). / Then they set about cutting the lashings of the canoes and removing the bungs.
1. (modifier) crammed, stuffed, absolutely, utterly, extremely, very - an intensifier that follows kī meaning full.
Kī puru ana ngā wāhi katoa o te whare i te tini o ngā tāngata (KO 19/11/1886:3). / Every part of the house was crammed full with the huge number of people.
Kia tūpato koutou ki ō koutou whare he mea whakakikī puru ki te tangata, hore he putanga mō te hau haunga, hore he tomonga mō te hau ora e noho tawhio ana i waho o ō koutou whare (KO 16/3/1888:7). / You should be careful with your houses when they are crammed full of people and there is no outlet for the stale air, no inlet for fresh air which is located around the outside of your houses.
Synonyms: ehara ehara, pū, anō, moruka, te mutunga (kē) mai (nei) o te ..., mārika, tahi, mōrukaruka, mārire, pohapoha, piropiro, hāwerewere, rukaruka, mārie
1. (noun) pulp.
Ka tīkarohia mai te puru o te tōmato rākau, ka ruiruia ki te huka, kātahi ka kainga (PK 2008:725). / The pulp of the tamarillo is scooped out, sprinkled with sugar, then eaten.
Synonyms: renga, mōhungahunga