1. (verb) (-a) to protect with a pad, plug up, cram.
E ai ki ngā kōrero i whakapurua e Te Whānau-a-Apanui ngā karu o te papa angaanga o tana matua, o Te Pori-o-te-rangi, ki te harare pūwhero (TTR 1990:276). / It is said that Te Whānau-a-Apanui plugged up the eye sockets of the skull of her father, Te Pori-o-te-rangi, with red sealing wax.
Synonyms: puru
2. (verb) (-a) to load (a gun) - from the action of loading a musket.
I a ia e whakapuru ana i tana pū ka rongo ake ia i te kutu e ngau ana i tana kakī. Kātahi ka tuohu ki te hopu. I a ia i tuohu rā tika tonu mai te matā a te Tiamana patō ana ki te pēke i muri i a ia. Mehemea kāore tana tuohutanga kua tū te matā rā ki tana māhunga (TTT 1/4/1922:12). / While he was loading his gun he felt a louse biting his neck. Then he bowed his head to catch it. While his head was bowed the German's bullet slammed straight into the bag behind him. If he hadn't bowed the bullet would had hit his head.
3. (noun) padding, pad (for protection).
I taua wā tonu, ka oma mai te tangata tiaki i te koura o tērā taha, ki waho rawa, ki te whakahei i te pōro. Ka riro nā ōna waewae, he whakapuru i mua, i ārai mai (HP 1991:250). / At that very moment the goal keeper ran right out to trap the ball. He blocked it with his legs which had pads on.