2. (verb) to be defeated in a game, beaten, score against.
Otirā kua tata kē nei te mutu o te kēmu, me te takarepa o te kaute waru ki te iwa, whā tekau iāri te omanga ka piro i a ia, ka riro nei i te ope taua te whakataetae (TTR 2000:196). / But the game was nearly over and the deficit was 8-9 when he ran forty yards to score and the army won the contest.
4. (verb) to be offensive, disgusting.
He kaitāhae te tupeka i te rawa o te tangata. Hoko kau ia i tērā kai, e kore e mākona, he paoa kau te putanga, piro noa ngā tāngata wainamu ki taua paoa (AO 1/1/1862:25). / Tobacco is a thief of a person's wealth. When one buys that commodity it does not satisfy and the only result is smoke, and it's offensive to people who dislike the smoke.
Synonyms: whakaweriweri, weriweri, kino, tukituki, maninohea, whakaparahako, mataharehare, kerakera, mōrihariha, anuanu, harehare, hākiki, kōkiri
5. (modifier) smelly, stinking, putrid.
He kai kino te tupeka, he kai piro, he kai whakatūtūā, he kai whakamate tangata (AO 1/1/1862:25). / Tobacco is a bad food, a smelly food, a demeaning food, a food that kills people.
6. (noun) victory (in a game), try (rugby), score, win, triumph, goal (sport).
Ko te tangata nāna te niti i rere rawa atu ki tawhiti, i a ia te piro (W 1971:284). / The person whose dart flew the furthest won.
7. (noun) foul smell, scent, stench, stink.
Tū kē ana te ihu i te rerenga mai o te piro i ngā wai whakamate (KO 13/12/1882:6). / Smelling the stench of the contaminated water.
Synonyms: whakakakara, wai kakara, tīare, tīere, kakara
8. (noun) intestines.
Ka haere te taua huki toto i konei, tae rawa atu ki te wāhi i mate ai ngā hoa o Pokuru ko ngā upoko ko ngā piro anake te tāwheta ana i te tapātai o te awa (JPS 1928:183). / The avenging war party now started, and when they finally reached the place where the companions of Pokuru had died they found only the heads and intestines piled up on the shore of the river.
wharangi piro
1. (noun) akepiro, Olearia furfuracea - a well-branched shrub found in scrub and forest margins of the North Island. The oval leaves are dark green and leathery with woolly, down-like hairs underneath. Clusters of starry-petalled white daisies appear in summer.
See also akepiro
Synonyms: kūmara kai torouka, tanguru
tara piroe
1. (noun) black-fronted tern, Sterna albostriata - an inland tern of the South Island. It has a blue-grey body, wings and short shallow-forked tail, orange bill and legs and black cap.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 25;)
See also tara pirohe