1. (noun) vital essence, vitality - of a person, place or object.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 227;)
E mōhio ana ahau kei te patu mai koe i a māua ko taku hau; e kore taku hau e riro i tō karakia (JPS 1893:223). / I am well aware that you are trying to kill me and my vital essence, but my vital essence will not succumb to your incantation.
Ko te hau o te tangata he mea riro i te karakia mākutu, erangi kia kite tonu atu i te tangata ka tangohia mai tōna hau. Ka riro mai, ka mate ia. Tētehi, kei mua e haere ana, ka kitea te takahanga o ngā waewae, ka tangohia te hau, ka riro (JPS 1894:169). / The vital essence of a man will succumb to a bewitching incantation, but it is necessary to actually see the person when his hau is taken. When it is taken, the person will die. Sometimes, in the case of one who has gone on before, when his footsteps are seen, his vital essence can be taken from them, and he will succumb.
2. (noun) ceremonial offering of food to an atua - a rite of presenting the hau to the atua with an offering or incantation. .
Kaua hoki e kotikotia tā tātou ika; engari waiho kia tae atu au ki te kawe atu i te hau o tēnei tānga ika; ā kia tae atu au ki te tohunga, kia whāngaia ki te atua (NM 1928:16). / And do not cut up our fish, but leave it alone until I've been to take the vital essence of this catch to the tohunga to be offered to the atua.
See also whāngai hau
2. (noun) air, gas.
Ko te mahi a ngā tāngata i runga, i te mea kāore e taea atu te āwhina ngā mea kua mau atu rā ki raro, he mapu hau atu mō rātou (TP 10/1912:11). / Because they weren't able to help the ones caught underground, the task of the people above was to pump air to them.
2. (noun) excess - over a complete measurement.
E waru mārō o taku taura me te hau (W 971:39). / My rope is eight fathom and a bit (W 971:39).
3. (noun) external angle, corner, obtuse angle.
Kei te hau o te taiepa te ara (W 1971:39). / The path is at the corner of the fence.
Synonyms: koki hāpūpū, ngao
2. (noun) fame, reputation, name, prestige, eminence, renown, esteem, prominence, report.
Ko te hau ka pā mai ki te iwi Māori me tōna reo, ko ngā kōrero mai i tēnā whenua, mai i tēnā whenua e pā ana ki te whakaora i te reo taketake o aua whenua (HM 3/1998:4). / The reputation concerning the Māori people and their language was spoken about in each country in relation to the survival of the indigenous language of each of those countries.
Synonyms: whakahirahiratanga, rongonui, mana, hōnore, whakahirahira, ngangahu, ahurei, rongo, pakū, pūrongo, pūrongorongo, rīpoata, kupu whakatau, rongorongo, tapatapa, tapa, hua, whakaingoa, ingoa, tūā
hau rūnā
1. (noun) simplest form of fraction.
Synonyms: hautau rūnā
whāngai hau
1. (noun) ceremonial offering of food to an atua - a rite of presenting the hau to the atua with an offering or incantation.
Ka hiahia te tangata kia mate tōna hoariri, nā me tiki ia i tētahi wāhi o te kahu, tētahi o ngā huruhuru rānei o te māhunga o taua tangata, tētahi mea noa atu rānei kua pā ki te tinana o taua tangata, arā, o tōna hoariri, ka mutu ka mauria taua mea ki te tohunga hei whāngai hau; ā (ki te mea ka rahi he utu māna) ka karakiatia taua mea e te tohunga, kātahi ka werohia te tangata rā e ngā atua o te tohunga, ka nohoia rānei tōna tinana e aua atua, ka mate hoki ia, ka hemo rawa atu, arā ki te kore ia e kite i tētahi tohunga kaha rawa kia ripaia tōna mate; kātahi ka hoki mai ki te kai i a ia ngā atua o te tohunga nāna nei i mākutu te tangata e mate ana, he mea tāiro hoki (TWMNT 14/12/1875:294). / A man, wishing to destroy his enemy, had to procure a portion of his garment, one of the hairs of the head of that person, or anything which had been in contact with the person's body, that is his enemy, and then it is taken to the tohunga with an offering of food, and (if the payment is considered sufficient) the tohunga would perform certain incantations over it, and then the man, pierced by tohunga's atua, his body is invaded by those atua, and he becomes sick and dies, unless he were able to procure the services of a more powerful tohunga to ward off his illness; in which case the tohunga who had bewitched the man would die because it would cause him to be destroyed by his own atua.
Synonyms: tāpaetanga, koha, whakahere, tuku
hau whakapipi
1. (noun) air mass.
Ina tūtaki te hau whakapipi mahana me te hau whakapipi mātao, ka tōtā te wairehu o roto i te hau takiwā mahana, ā, ka puta te ua. Ka kīia he ua arotuki tēnei momo ua (RP 2009:422). / When warm and cold air masses meet the water vapour in the warm air condenses and rain appears. This type of rain is called frontal rain.
hau maiangi
1. (noun) light wind.
Synonyms: kōhengihengi, kōhengi, kōtengitengi
hau paora
1. (loan) (verb) to play golf.
Synonyms: hahau paoro
2. (loan) (noun) golf.
hau raki
1. (noun) northerly wind - also as one word, i.e. hauraki.
Synonyms: tiu