1. (verb) (-tia) to name, choose, nominate.
E whakaatu ana tēnei hui o Te Arawa, ahakoa ko wai te tangata e whakaingoatia e rātou, ka piripono a Te Arawa ki tā rātou tangata e whakarite ai (TTT 1/6/1928:792). / This gathering of Te Arawa will show that no matter who the person is that they name, Te Arawa will be loyal to the person they choose.
2. (noun) naming, choosing.
Ko tētahi mana i tukua mai ki ngā Hīnota takiwā ko te whakaingoa i tētahi tangata hei pīhopa mō taua takiwā (TP 3/1910:8). / An authority that was given to the regional synod was the naming of a person as bishop for that region.