1. (verb) to be open, clear of obstruction, receptive.
Karokaro i te tāturi o tō taringa kia areare ai (W 1971:395). / Pick out the wax of your ear so that it is clear.
Synonyms: torohū, mauminamina, matatea, tīwhera, kohera, tuhera, wātea, whakaareare, whakapuare, whewhera, uaki, mawhera, koraha, mārakerake, kohea, ango, puare, marake, tūmatanui, pawhera, hemahema, whakatuwhera, whakatuhera, huaki, poare, hīrikore, are, pōaha, puakaha, raha, tūraha, tawhera, tīwara, pūaha, tuwhera, māhorahora, matata
2. (verb) to be projecting.
He rākau kei te ihu me te kei o te waka e areare ana; ka wiria he puare ki aua rākau (Te Ara 2013). / At the prow and stern were projections of wood, in which holes were drilled.
3. (verb) to be arched.
Areare ana tērā te ihu o te tangata nei! (W 1971:14). / This man's nose is arched.
4. (adjective) be concave.
He areare te kapu o te ringa, koia i pai ai hei kapu ake i te wai hei inu (HJ 2017:215). / The palm of the hand is concave, that's why it's good for scooping up water to drink.