1. (verb) to open, clear of obstruction.
Nō konā ko tētahi o ngā āhuatanga nui ki a au o roto o tērā mea, o te kōrero paki ko tōna reo me te momo reo e whakamahia ana hei whakakatakata, hei whakahoi i ngā taringa, hei whakaareare hoki i ngā taringa o te tangata kia whakarongo ai ia, ā, ka mutu kia whakamātakina ai ia ki te tikanga o roto i ngā kōrero rā (Wh4 2004:117). / Consequently, to me, one of the main aspects in telling yarns is the language and the type of language used to prepare, to alert and to open the ears of the person listening to him, and also so that the listener will be alert to the meanings in those stories.
Synonyms: marake, pūaha, tuwhera, māhorahora, matata, matatea, tīwhera, areare, kohera, tuhera, wātea, whakapuare, whewhera, uaki, mawhera, koraha, mārakerake, kohea, ango, puare, tīwara, tūmatanui, pawhera, hemahema, whakatuwhera, whakatuhera, huaki, poare, hīrikore, are, pōaha, puakaha, raha, tūraha, tawhera