1. (verb) to be empty, open, bare, void.
He taonga anō te mau tonu ki ngā tūmanako, ahakoa pēhea. Mēnā i hoki te tangata i te hūtukinga tuatahitanga o te waewae ki te pakiaka, hemahema ana tērā te kete i te hokinga, ā, e kore tonu te tangata e mōhio he aha ngā painga kei kō tata atu e takoto ana (HM 1/1994:2). / Holding firmly to one's aspirations, no matter what, is an asset. If a person gives up at the first obstacle, then the basket will be empty and she will never know what benefits lie just beyond.
Synonyms: marake, pūaha, tuwhera, māhorahora, matata, matatea, tīwhera, areare, kohera, tuhera, wātea, whakaareare, whakapuare, whewhera, uaki, mawhera, koraha, mārakerake, kohea, ango, puare, tīwara, tūmatanui, pawhera, whakatuwhera, whakatuhera, huaki, poare, hīrikore, are, pōaha, puakaha, raha, tūraha, tawhera
2. (modifier) empty, open, bare, void.
He wāhi hemahema kei waenganui i a Papatūānuku me ngā whetū o te rangi (PK 2008:101). / There is an open space between Earth and the stars of the sky.
3. (noun) emptiness, empty.
Tērā ka whakamahia mātou kia whakahoki i tētahi wāhanga o te pūtea ki te kete nui a te Tāhuhu, ahakoa pēhea te hemahema o tā mātou ake (HM 1/1995:7). / Then we will be made to return a portion of the funding to the Ministry's large kit, despite how empty our own is.