1. (verb) to accept eagerly, accept with alacrity, receptive.
Kua rapurapu tōku ngākau i te mahuetanga o 'Te Karere Māori' i te tau kua pahure ake nei, ā, mahue ana 'Te Karere', ngaro atu ana hoki ngā tini kōrero o ngā wāhi o te ao e kitea nei i ngā nūpepa o mua, waiho ki muri. Mauminamina ana te kanohi (MM.TKM 4/3/1855:18). / My heart has been seeking the reason why 'The Māori Messenger' was done away with last year, and when 'The Messenger' was abandoned the many accounts of the places of the world seen in past newspapers have disappeared. They were viewed eagerly.