1. (numeral) eight, 8.
I ngā tau ka waru kua taha ake nei, e takoto ana ia, kāhore he kaha; e ngaua ana e te mate whakarihariha nei, e te rūmātiki. Kāhore rawa nei ia e kaha ki te pupuri i te kai, ki te kawe rānei ki tōna waha. Kua iwikore noa iho hoki ōna ringaringa (KO 15/2/1883:5). / In the past eight years he has been lying with no strength; afflicted by this horrible disease, rheumatism. He isn't able to hold food or to put it into his mouth. And his hands are quite weak.
2. (numeral) eighth - when used with this meaning it is preceded by te and followed by o.
Ka mea ia mō āpōpō, i te waru o ngā hāora, ka haere tātau ki te mātaki i taua whenua (TTT 1/3/1930:2002). / He said that tomorrow on the eigth hour we would go to inspect that land.
3. (noun) eighth lunar month of the Māori year - approximately equivalent to January.
Ko te uma o te kōtiro e ka whakaea, ānō he hone moana āio i te waru e ūkura ana hoki i te tōanga o te rā, ka rite ki te kiri o tuawahine (NM 1928:58). / The girl's breast, oh when she breathed it was like the calm ocean swell in the eighth month (January) and the glowing of the setting of the sun was like the skin of our heroine.
1. (verb) (-a,-hia) to scrape, peel.
Ka warua katoa ngā tapeha, māmā ana tērā ki te pupuri (HP 1991:15). / When the bark was scraped off it was easy to hold.
Synonyms: hiako, hohore, hore, peha, pīhore, tahitahi, pīra, hihore, hīhorehore, waruwaru, tīhore, kowani, kaku, waku, wakuwaku, pākēkē, wani, harakuku, hāro, rakaraka, raraku, tīwani, honihoni, kauhoro, wharowharo, raku, tuakuku, okoi, rakuraku, weku, hākuku, whawharo
2. (numeral) eighteenth, 18th (following te).
ngahuru mā waru
1. (numeral) be eighteen, eighteenth (following te).
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 12;)
See also tekau mā waru
rā o te waru
1. (noun) scarcity - an expression for the height of summer before new crops are ready.
Kei te hoa, Mātene, nei ka noho i te rā o te waru, i te pō roa o te matiti, ka pātai ki a au anō, 'Auē e Koro, Mātene, kei hea rā koe ka ngaro whakaaitu nei?' (HM 1/1995:1). / My distinguished friend, Mātene, here I am sitting bereft in the long nights of summer, asking myself, 'Oh my elder, Mātene, where have you disappeared to so disastrously?'
ngā pūmanawa e waru o Te Arawa
1. the eight tribes of Te Arawa - often translated as 'the eight pulsating hearts of Te Arawa' referring to the tribes of Te Arawa, each founded by one of the eight children of Rangitihi.
Whai muri i te pakanga i Te Tūmū i te tau 1836, ka kotahi ngā wehenga o Te Arawa ki raro i Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru, ka oati rātou, ā muri ake nei, kaua rawa rātou e riri ki a rātou anō (Te Ara 2012). / After the battle of Te Tūmū in 1836, the divisions of Te Arawa banded together as Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru (the ‘eight beating hearts’) and they vowed never to fight among themselves again.
1. (personal noun) eighth lunar month of the Māori year - approximately equivalent to January. Also called Te Waru-o-Kaitātea.
Mō te marama o Hānuere, arā o Kaitātea, o te tau 1923, ko Kaiwaka te whetū kei te ārahi i ēnei pō (TTT 1/1/1923:9). / For the month of January, that is Kaitātea, of 1923, Kaiwaka is the star that heralds these nights.
See also Kohitātea