



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) reliable.


1. (verb) to be correct, true, upright, right, just, fair, accurate, appropriate, lawful, proper, valid.

He tokomaha tonu ngā Māori kei te tāone e noho ana, nō reira hoki tētahi take i tika ai kia tū te mīhana ki reira (TP 7/1913:6). / There are quite a lot of Māori living in town, so that's a reason why it's appropriate that the mission be established there.

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See also me ... (rā) ka tika

Synonyms: tūturu, kau, mārire, ake, tata, tou, noa, noa iho, tōkeke, noa ake, tonu, ia, ia rā, heipū, mārie, mārika

2. (verb) to be straight, direct, keep on a direct course.

Ka tika kē mai taua taua ki Hātaitai, ki Uruhau, ki Te Aka-tarewa, ki Te Wai-hirere, kia tahuri ēnei pā (JPS 1919:90). / The war party headed straight for Hātaitai, Uruhau, Te Aka-tarewa and Te Wai-hirere to overthrow these pā.

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3. (modifier) correctly, directly, fairly, justly, straight - indicates a direct path.

Nā konei ka kī ia ko tēnei kēmu kīhai i riro tika (TJ 20/6/1899:9). / As a result he says that this game was not won fairly.
Ka piki ki runga i te tima Ingarihi, kua wareware au ki te ingoa, ka rere tika ki Īnia mā te moana anō o Īnia (HP 1991:221). / We boarded the English ship, I've forgotten its name, and sailed straight to India via the Indian Ocean.

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4. (noun) truth, correctness, directness, justice, fairness, righteousness, right.

Ko te putiputi hei mauranga mā te tangata i tēnei rā he kāneihana mā, te tohu o te tika, o te pai (TP 7/1909:6). / The flower for a person to carry on this day is a white carnation, the symbol of fairness and good.

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See also tika tangata

Synonyms: tapatahi, ngākaupai, manatika, haepapa, matau, mōtika, tonu, matatika, tōtika, take, heipū, ake, tikanga


1. (noun) high pitch (music).

Mēnā he rauangi ngā aho o tētahi taonga autangi, he tīkā te tangi. He mārū te tangi o ngā aho mātotoru (RTP 2015:100). / If the strings of a stringed instrument are thin, the pitch is high. The pitch of thick strings is low.

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1. (loan) (noun) cigar.

Kei a Nataniora Hākopa i Hehitingi Tiriti, te tupeka pai, me ngā tikā, me ngā paipa mīhini, me ngā mea whakatangitangi kōriana, me ngā wai kakara, me ngā taonga tini noa atu (TW 28/8/1875:170). / Nathaniel Jacobs’ in Hastings Street has fine tobacco, cigars and machined pipes, accordians, scents, and many other things besides.

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whakamātau tika

1. (noun) (science) fair test.

tika tūāpapa

1. (noun) fundamental rights, basic rights.

tika takitini

1. (noun) collective rights.

tika tangata

1. (noun) human rights.

Kāore he kaupapa ture ā-tuhi tō Aotearoa hei tiaki i ngā tika o te tangata. Heoi he maha kē atu ngā tika tangata ka taka ki raro mai i ngā ture tuku iho o Ingarangi, me ngā ture tonu o tēnei motu (ngā ture mō ngā tika tangata me te aukati i te pana tangata) (Te Ara 2013). / New Zealand does not have a written constitution which guarantees people's rights. But there are many human rights that fall under laws inherited from Britain and the laws of this country (which set out human rights and outlaw discrimination).

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mahi tika ana

1. great work, well done - an idiom expressing praise.

Mahi tika ana, e hoa. / Great work, mate.

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me ... (rā) ka tika

1. it's only right that, it's to be expected, so it should be, it's appropriate - an idiom used to express an opinion that something is appropriate or expected.

Kua nenewha ngā karu o te koroua rā. Me nenewha rā ka tika. He maroke nō ngā kōrero. / The elderly man over there is dozing. It's to be expected because the talk is so boring.

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he tika tāu!

1. you're quite right!.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 106; Te Pihinga Audio Tapes/CDs (Ed. 2): exercise 40;)

he tika tonu!

1. quite right!.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 106; Te Pihinga Audio Tapes/CDs (Ed. 2): exercise 40;)

kia tika rā!

1. you reckon! is that right! you are joking!.

Noti Hoki Tika

1. (location) Brownings Pass (Southern Alps).

Whakapuakitanga Tika Tangata

1. (noun) Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Kōti Whakapūmau Take Tika

1. (loan) Validation Court.

e tā, kia tika

1. hey man, you're having me on - an colloquial expression.

Kāhui Tika Tangata, Te

1. Human Rights Commission.

Whakapuakitanga o te Rūnanga Whakakotahi i ngā Iwi o te Ao mō ngā Tika o ngā Iwi Taketake

1. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

kaiwhakatikatika pūkaha

1. (noun) mechanic.

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