1. (noun) learning, subject, discipline, profession, school, educational course, academic programme, academic course, teaching, class, lesson.
O ngā nēhi Māori o tōna wā, ko ia anake te mea momoho, ikeike rawa ki te taumata o te akoranga nēhi (TTR 1998:103). / Of the nurses of her era, she alone was so successful and eminent reaching the summit of the nursing profession.
Synonyms: wānanga, manapou, umanga, kura, tuihana, whare kura, wharekura
2. (noun) circumstance of learning, time of learning, place of learning.
He tangata hūmārika noa a Ānaru, ā, nā tana akoranga ki te ture me ngā mahi ake āna i a ia i te Tari Māori i āhei ia ki te whakahaere i ngā take ka nuku kē atu te mana o te poari (TTR 2000:1) / Ānaru was a courteous person, and because of his learning of the law and his work for the Māori Affairs Department, he was able to conduct the board’s affairs and increase its mana.
kura reo
1. (noun) language learning gathering, language school - usually held on a marae or educational institution over several days with the purpose of speaking and learning Māori.
I āmio tāua i te whenua nei ki ngā kura reo (HM 4/2009:3). / You and I travelled around the country to the language schools.
1. (verb) (-hia,-na,-ngia,-ria,-tia) (ākona) to learn, study, instruct, teach, advise.
Ko ngā tamariki e uru ana ki tō runga kura o Hukarere e ākona ana ki te taka kai, ki te nēhi tūroro, ki te tuhituhi ringa poto (TKO 1/12/1917:12). / The children entering the upper school of Hukarere are being taught to prepare food, to nurse the sick and to write shorthand.
Ko ngā mātauranga e akoria ana ko te reo Ingarihi, kōrero pukapuka, tuhituhi me te mapi (TTT 1/7/1925:264). / The subjects being taught are English, reading writing and geography.
Synonyms: whakaakoako
1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to meet and discuss, deliberate, consider.
Nā te rūnanga i Pēria i whakahaere te kāwanatanga o te rohe, me te whakawā ina te wānangatia ki roto i te whare rūnanga (TTR 1990:321). / The council at Pēria provided local government and also dispensed justice, after discussion in the meeting house.
2. (noun) seminar, conference, forum, educational seminar.
Ka whakawāteatia atu e ia tōna marae mō ngā wānanga me ngā huihuinga mātauranga (TTR 2000:118). / He offered his marae for educational seminars and gatherings.
Synonyms: hui
3. (noun) tribal knowledge, lore, learning - important traditional cultural, religious, historical, genealogical and philosophical knowledge.
Kete tuauri, kete tuatea, kete aronui: Ko ngā kete o te wānanga i tīkina e Tāne i a Io-matua (M 2006:12). / Kit of sacred knowledge, kit of ancestral knowledge, kit of life's knowledge. These are the kits of knowledge that Tāne fetched from Io the-parent (M 2006:15).
Synonyms: akoranga, tikanga tuku iho, tikanga
4. (noun) instructor, wise person, sage, authority, expert, guru, philosopher, savant.
Kīhai i tae ki ngā pūkenga, ki ngā wānanga, ki ngā tauira (W 1971:479). / It did not reach the repositories of knowledge, the wise people and the skilled people.
Synonyms: ruānuku, whakatuatea, hīnātore, mātauranga
5. (noun) tertiary institution that caters for Māori learning needs - established under the Education Act 1990.
Ko te Wānanga o Raukawa kua tū hei whare wānanga mō te rangatahi Māori (Te Ara 2013). / Te Wānanga o Raukawa which has been established as a tribal centre of higher learning for young Māori.
whare pōrukuruku
1. (noun) school of individual learning.
Ko te ‘whare maire’ hei kura ako i ngā mahi mākutu-whaiwhaiā, i ngā kōrero o nehe me ngā kōrero pūrākau matua, ko te ‘whare pōrukuruku’, hei ako takitahi i te tangata i tōna kotahi anake; ko te ‘whare kura,’ te kura ako o te ira tangata; me te ‘whare takiura’, he kura ako i te pō (Rewi 2005:31). / The 'whare maire' was a school teaching the art of witchcraft, the history and the superior oral narratives; the 'whare pōrukuruku' was for individual teaching; the 'whare kura' was the school teaching the human element; and the 'whare takiura', a school teaching at night.
1. (modifier) thoughtful, learned, wise, perceptive, sagacious, astute.
E kī ana tētahi tangata pūmahara rawa ko te take i tino kore haere ai ngā tāngata Māori nā tō rātou whakamahuetanga i ngā wāhi teitei hei kāinga nohoanga, ā noho ana rātou i ngā wā i muri nei ki ngā wāhi mānia e tata ana ki ngā repo (KO 15/8/1884:11). / A learned man is saying that the reason that the Māori population is declining rapidly is because they have left the elevated places to live and in recent times they are residing on the plains close to swamps.
Synonyms: matatau
2. (noun) memories, sagacity, thoughtfulness.
Nā te nui o tōna hanga, nā te mārakerake o te kite atu i tōna kaingākau ki te tākaro me te hākinakina, nā tōna pūmahara me tōna mōhio, nā te mea he pūkōrero, he kōkō tatakī, nā tōna pai ki te manaaki me te mahana o te tangata, i whakamīharotia ai a Timi Kara e te hunga i tūtaki ki a ia (TTR 1994:15). / Carroll impressed all he met with his physical stature and his enjoyment of games and sports, his sagacity and knowledge, because of his oratory and wit, his bonhomie and warmth of personality.
3. (noun) flash drive.
1. (noun) house of learning - traditional place where tohunga taught esoteric knowledge to selected men.
Wharekura: Ko te whare kōrero i te wānanga, i ngā kōrero tūpuna (M 2006:272). / House of learning: The house where knowledge of esoteric lore was taught and also ancestral lore (M 2006:273).
2. (noun) school, school house.
Ko tēnei wharekura nā te Hāhi i utu ngā mea katoa (TP 11/1900:5). / For this school the Church paid for everything.
3. (noun) secondary school run on kaupapa Māori principles - these schools use Māori language as the medium of instruction and incorporate Māori customary practices into the way they operate.
E haere ana āna mokopuna ki te wharekura o Rākaumangamanga kia mōhio ai rātou ki te kōrero Māori. / Her grandchildren are attending the Rākaumangamanga wharekura so that they know how to speak Māori.
1. (modifier) learned, experienced, well-informed, knowledgeable, competent, fluent, skilled.
He tangata matatau tana matua, ā, nāna i tohutohu a Te Rangi Hīroa kia aroha ki te reo me te whiti waiata (TTR 1996:10). / His father was a learned man who gave Peter Buck a love of language and poetry.
2. (verb) (-hia,-ria) to know, know well, be proficient, expert at, competent, fluent.
Ahakoa kāore i matatau rawa ia ki te kōrero Māori ā-kīwaha, i tua atu i te reo ā-tuhi, i kaha pū tonu a Pat ki te whakaū i te reo ā-waha, me ngā tikanga Māori anō hoki (TTR 2000:81). / Although she was not very fluent in colloquial Māori, Pat placed strong emphasis on the spoken as well as the written language and on cultural practices.
Synonyms: mōhio, mahara, hua, mātau, pūrangiaho, kaiaka, tohunga, ringa rehe, Kei a ... mō te ...
3. (noun) proficiency, competence, facility, mastery.
Ki tōna reanga, kāore i ārikarika te matatau o Taiaroa ki te mahi tōrangapū (TTR 1994:104). / To his contemporaries Taiaroa's proficiency in politics was outstanding.
Synonyms: tohungatanga, matatauranga
whare tīrara
1. (noun) house of learning - a term used by Ngāi Te Rangi for the institution to retain and impart knowledge of their history, cultural practices, language and all matters related to their iwi.
Ko Te Whare Tīrara o Te Rangihouhiri he whare pupuru taonga ākōrero nei, ā-kiko nei, he whare wānanga i te hōhonutanga o ngā kōrero o te iwi e ai ki te iwi (Ngāi Te Rangi 2017). / The House of Learning of Te Rangihouhiri is a place to retain oral knowledge and treasures, a place to learn the detailed stories of the tribe according to the tribe.
e kore e iro
1. they’ll never learn.
Nāku anō taku tamaiti a Niu Tīreni! Ko ahau anō kua pā ki te whakaako, muri iho o taku akonga, ka noho tahi māua. Nā, ka riri noa anō taku tamaiti, ka tutū ki a au ka pā taku whiu, tā te matua hanga hoki e āta haere ana te whiu, ā, ki te mea ka tohe ki te tutū ka whiua anō kia tangi. Nā, ki te kāhore e rongo ki te tuarua o ngā whiunga, ā, e kore e iro (TK 15/7/1845:26). / New Zealand is my child! Therefore, it is my responsibility to teach them. After teaching them, we sit together. When my child angers and is disobedient I punish them, for it is the duty of the parent to punish purposefully. If they’re to continue acting disobediently, they’ll be punished until they cry. Now, if they don’t respond to the second punishment, they’ll never learn.
2. (noun) school, education, learning gathering.
E kīia ana e haere ana a Marietoa ki Poihākena ki te whakaoti i tōna kura (TP 8/1899 suppl:2). / They say that Maliatoa is going to Sydney to complete his education.
Synonyms: tuihana, whare kura, akoranga, wharekura
1. (noun) of higher learning - in the terms whare takiura, kura takiura and kāreti takiura.
See also kāreti takiura, kura takiura, whare takiura
1. (verb) (-na) to teach, learn, practise.
Kei waenganui i te mātotorutanga o te iwi Māori te tokomaha o ngā āpiha toko-i-te-ora e noho ana, e takataka ana mā rātou e tirotiro haere ngā rōpū kei te whakaakoako i ngā mahi Māori (H 1992:23-24). / Many of the welfare officers are living amongst the Māori people, so it falls on them to observe the groups teaching Māori activities.
See also whakaako
Synonyms: ako, haratau, parakitihi, mahi, akoako, whakaharatau, whakahāngai, whakawai
2. (modifier) instructional, educational.
He mea tautoko tonu e Huiatahi ngā mahi whakaakoako pakeke Māori; ka riro hoki nāna i whakahaere ētehi kura waiata (TTR 1998:8). / Huiatahi supported Māori adult education, tutoring classes in waiata.
3. (noun) teaching, training, instruction.
He mea pai anō hoki ki a Kia te mahi a te rōpū Rīpeka Whero o Niu Tīreni, ka riro nā rātou i whakarite te whakaakoako i a ia i te pūtahi o Waitaha whaka-te-raki (TTR 2000:183). / Kia was also attracted to the New Zealand Red Cross Society, which provided her with training at the North Canterbury Centre.
whare kōrero
1. (noun) school of learning - a place where traditional narratives and knowledge are taught.
Ko ia tētahi o ngā tino tohunga o roto o Tūranga, nō te whare kōrero e kīia nei ko Whare-hinana. Ko te tūnga o taua whare e tata ana ki te urupā i Waerengaahika (M 2006:222). / He was one of the notable tohunga of the Gisborne area and was from the house of learning called Whare-hinana. The site of that building was near the burial ground at Waerengaahika.
Synonyms: whare pūrākau