1. (modifier) thoughtful, learned, wise, perceptive, sagacious, astute.
E kī ana tētahi tangata pūmahara rawa ko te take i tino kore haere ai ngā tāngata Māori nā tō rātou whakamahuetanga i ngā wāhi teitei hei kāinga nohoanga, ā noho ana rātou i ngā wā i muri nei ki ngā wāhi mānia e tata ana ki ngā repo (KO 15/8/1884:11). / A learned man is saying that the reason that the Māori population is declining rapidly is because they have left the elevated places to live and in recent times they are residing on the plains close to swamps.
Synonyms: matatau
2. (noun) memories, sagacity, thoughtfulness.
Nā te nui o tōna hanga, nā te mārakerake o te kite atu i tōna kaingākau ki te tākaro me te hākinakina, nā tōna pūmahara me tōna mōhio, nā te mea he pūkōrero, he kōkō tatakī, nā tōna pai ki te manaaki me te mahana o te tangata, i whakamīharotia ai a Timi Kara e te hunga i tūtaki ki a ia (TTR 1994:15). / Carroll impressed all he met with his physical stature and his enjoyment of games and sports, his sagacity and knowledge, because of his oratory and wit, his bonhomie and warmth of personality.
3. (noun) flash drive.