whare takiura
1. (noun) traditional building set aside for instruction in esoteric lore.
Ko te ‘whare maire’ hei kura ako i ngā mahi mākutu-whaiwhaiā, i ngā kōrero o nehe me ngā kōrero pūrākau matua, ko te ‘whare pōrukuruku’, hei ako takitahi i te tangata i tōna kotahi anake; ko te ‘whare kura,’ te kura ako o te ira tangata; me te ‘whare takiura’, he kura ako i te pō (Rewi 2005:31). / The 'whare maire' was a school teaching the art of witchcraft, the history and the superior oral narratives; the 'whare pōrukuruku' was for individual teaching; the 'whare kura' was the school teaching the human element; and the 'whare takiura', a school teaching at night.
See also takiura
2. (noun) college of education, teachers' college.
I runga anō i te reo whakahei o Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori i whakarauika mai ki te marae o Kirikiriroa ngā māngai mō te kōhanga reo, mō Te Ataarangi, mō ngā kura kaupapa Māori, mō ngā kura tuarua, mō ngā kuratini, mō ngā whare takiura, mō ngā whare wānanga, mō ngā hāhi, mō ngā kaumātua me ētahi rōpū e kaingākau mai ana ki te kaupapa (HM 2/1990:1). / In response to the Māori Language Commission's invitation, representatives of Te Kōhanga Reo, Te Ataarangi, Kura Kaupapa Māori, secondary schools, polytechnics, colleges of education, universities, the churches, elders and other groups who appreciate the cause, gathered together at Kirikiriroa Marae.