whare pōrukuruku
1. (noun) school of individual learning.
Ko te ‘whare maire’ hei kura ako i ngā mahi mākutu-whaiwhaiā, i ngā kōrero o nehe me ngā kōrero pūrākau matua, ko te ‘whare pōrukuruku’, hei ako takitahi i te tangata i tōna kotahi anake; ko te ‘whare kura,’ te kura ako o te ira tangata; me te ‘whare takiura’, he kura ako i te pō (Rewi 2005:31). / The 'whare maire' was a school teaching the art of witchcraft, the history and the superior oral narratives; the 'whare pōrukuruku' was for individual teaching; the 'whare kura' was the school teaching the human element; and the 'whare takiura', a school teaching at night.