



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (noun) hoe - a long-handled gardening tool with a metal blade used for weeding.

Ki tōku whakaaro, me whakamahi ā koutou hōiho ki te parau; e kore ō koutou tuarā e mamae ki te mahi pērā, ina e mamae ana te tuarā i te mahinga i te hō, i te karaune (TKM 13/9/1849:2). / I think it would be much better to make your horses work with ploughs, they will not make your backs ache like the spade and the hoe.

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See also karaone


1. (verb) (-a,-ngia) to hoe.

Kei te hetiheti ia i ngā otaota - kei nui rawa ka raru ngā pōioio (PK 2008:104). / She is hoeing the weeds - not when they're too big or the young shoots of the kūmara will be damaged.

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2. (noun) hoe.

Kātahi ka whakawhiti taonga a Te Mātenga rāua ko Turikatuku: ka riro i a Turikatuku he hetiheti rino, ka hoatu ki a Te Mātenga te kō ngaki māra a Turikatuku (TTR 1990:378). / Then Marsden and Turikatuku exchanged tools: Turikatuku received an iron hoe and Marsden was given Turikatuku's garden cultivation tool.

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1. (loan) (noun) hoe - a long-handled gardening tool with a metal blade used for weeding.

...i oti hoki tā rāua kōrero ko tōna hoa Pākehā i kōrero ai kia 21 tau ka hoki atu te whenua ki a koe, ka mea atu te Māori, “Ororaiti, i a koe māu te karaone.” (TW 16/11/1878:10/578). / ...and he and the Pākehā complete their deal, saying that when 21 years is up, the land will return to you, the Māori says, “All right, you have the hoe.”

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2. (loan) (noun) crown.

3. (loan) (noun) sovereign - former gold coin worth one pound.


1. (verb) (-a) to paddle, row.

Ka hoe mātau ki te ngutuawa (HP 1991:16). / We paddled to the river mouth.

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See also kaihoe

Synonyms: hīrau, tararau, kapa, tatauranga, whakanehenehe, ripa, tūtira, rārangi

2. (verb) (-a) to push away.

Tōna pānga atu ki a ia ka hoea mai (W 1971:55). / When he touched her he was pushed away.

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Synonyms: whakatāuke

3. (noun) paddle, oar.

Kua eke te punga, kua mau ki ngā hoe, kua kori katoa, kua korero i tō rātou reo (TP 1/1911:5). / When the anchor was aboard, they took hold of their oars and they all moved into action and spoke their language.

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hoe ākau

1. (noun) steering paddle.

Ka whakatūria ngā kaimau o ngā hoe; ko Taipupuni ki te hoe ākau (W 1971:6). / The holders of the paddles were established and Taipupuni was at the steering paddle.

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Hoe urungi

1. The steering paddle: said of someone who directs the journey of a group or initiative.

Ko ia te hoe urungi o te kaupapa / she is the steerer of the initiative.

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Hoe kōnukenuke

1. A crooked paddle: a crooked paddle refering to an unreliable person.

Nōu te hē i whakapono ai koe ki tērā tangata mutunga mai nei o te hoe kōnukenuke / it's your fault you put your faith in that absolutely unreliable person.

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hoe tuarā

1. (noun) backswimmer, Anisops assimilis - common in lakes, ponds, drinking troughs and weed-clogged streams. Swims jerkily along on its back.

pūrere hoe

1. (noun) rowing machine.

Wai pounga hoe

1. Paddle plunging waters: reference to a body of water traversed by canoes in former times. A honorific expression for ones ancestral waters.

E ngā wai pounga hoa a ngā tūpuna tēnei ka mihi / to the waters paddled by the ancestors I acknowledge you.

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e hoe ana tō waka ki whea?

1. you going on a long trip? - an idiom said to someone who has piled their plate up with food as if they are preparing for a long trip.

Kua hoki mai a Tame i te mahi, kua kotahi atu ki te tēpu kua hora i a Kui, ā, arā noa atu ngā kai ka utaina ki tana pereti. Kua mea ake a Kui, "Kātahi rā, e Tame! E hoe ana tō waka ki whea?" (HKK 1999:159). / Tame has returned from work and has gone straight to the table of food that Kui has laid out, and he has piled food onto his plate. Kui says to him, "Good heavens, Tame! You going on a long trip?"

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Kaua e rangiruatia te hāpai o te hoe e kore te waka e ū ki uta

1. Work in unison to achieve a goal.

Do not lift the paddle out of time the canoe will not make landfall. /

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1. (verb) (-a,-hia) to clear, cut off, weed.

E pāketu ana ahau i te taru (W 1971:252). / I am clearing the weeds.

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2. (noun) scuffle hoe, dutch hoe - a light garden implement for weeding.

māhoe wao

1. (noun) māhoe wao, narrow-leaved māhoe, Melicytus lanceolatus - a slender, erectly branching small tree with long alternate leaves that have finely saw-toothed margins. Leaves towards the outer extremities of the branches. The fruit is a dark-purple berry.


1. (noun) manakura, small-leaved māhoe, Melicytus micranthus - an erect shrub up to 1.8 m tall with purple berries. Abundant in lowland forest, along forest margins, and beside streams on both islands.


1. (loan) (noun) garden hoe for weeding.


1. (stative) be grey-haired.

2. (noun) māhoe, whiteywood, Melicytus ramiflorus - a common small tree in regrowth and coastal bush. Has alternating, pointed, oval leaves with teeth. Tiny flowers are abundant in spring and are followed by numerous purple-black berries.

He nui anō ngā rākau nunui i taua wā, he tōtara, he rimu, he kahika, he mataī, he miro, he kauri me ngā rākau pakupaku, he patatē, he hinahina he kaikōmako te paunga o te ngahere i te ahi (HTK 20/1/1894:5). / There were many giant trees at that time, tōtara, rimu, kahikatea, mataī, miro and kauri, with the small trees, patatē, whiteywood and kaikōmako, which were all destroyed in the fire.

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Synonyms: moeahu, māhoe

toki hengahenga

1. (noun) wooden hoe - adze shaped and made of hard wood used for working the ground.

He maha ngā taputapu a te Māori mō te ngaki mara, arā ko te: toki hengahenga - mō te kauhuri oneone; ... (Te Ara 2015). / Māori had a number of tools for gardening, namely the toki hengahenga - for turning over the soil; ...

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1. (noun) adze-shaped wooden hoe - used in gardens for clearing weeds.

2. (noun) karapapa, Alseuosmia macrophylla - a shrub found in forest undergrowth from North Cape to the upper South Island that grows to about 2 m, with red-brown branches and dark green foliage. It has alternating glossy leaves with widely spaced teeth. The tubular flowers are 2.4-4 cm long and highly scented. They vary in colour from dark red to cream. Fruit is crimson.

See also karapapa

3. (noun) Alseuosmia banksii var. linariifolia - endemic bushy slender shrub up to 1 m tall of Northland forests from Kaitaia to about Kaiwaka. Often associated with kauri. Leaves vary, much longer than wide, green, margin smooth. Small creamy yellow flowers, tubular, dropping in September - December. Fruit fleshy, red.


1. (noun) soccer.

2. (noun) (aerobics) hoe-down.

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