



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a) to gather, congregate, assemble, meet.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 122-128;)

Kua karangatia tēnei komiti kia hui anō ki te tari i Nēpia (TTT 1/7/1927:626). / This committee has been called to meet again at the office in Napier.

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Synonyms: tūtataki, whakatūtaki, tūtaki, porotūtataki, porotūtaki, tūtakitaki, karahui, whakatūtataki, huihui, pūtahi

2. (noun) gathering, meeting, assembly, seminar, conference.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 122-128;)

Ki te haere ia ki ngā hui, me mau te tangata i tōna ake tauera (TTT 1/11/1927:686). / If he goes to gatherings a person should take his own towel.

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Synonyms: wānanga, tūtaki, tūtakitanga, whakamenenga, huihuinga, huinga


1. (noun) sweep (fish), Scorpius lineolata - blue-grey fish with oval to diamond-shaped body and small head. Most abundant in northern coastal waters.

hui pāpaho

1. (noun) press conference.

hui whakapūmau

1. (noun) graduation ceremony.

hui taumata

1. (noun) symposium, summit, conference, congress.

Ka tae atu ia ki tētahi hui taumata Māori i Pōneke i te tau 1944 (TTR 1998:159). / He took part in a Māori summit in Wellington in 1944.

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Hui Aranga

1. (noun) an annual gathering of Māori Roman Catholic followers held at Easter on different marae and venues each year for cultural, sporting and religious activities.

hui katoa

1. altogether, in all, everything included, collectively, all told, in sum, in toto, taken together.

Nāna anō i waihanga, i whakaemi mai rānei i ngā kauheke ētahi paopao, me ētahi atu momo waiata hoki. Hui katoa e 77 ngā waiata nei (TTR 1998:75). / He composed, or collected from elders, derisive songs and other song genre. Altogether there were 77 of these songs.

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hui whakawhanaunga

1. (noun) reunion.

hui taurima

1. (noun) festival, carnival.

Tū ana te whakaatu tuatahi o taua whakaari i te hui taurima o Ākarana o te tau 1972 (TTR 2000:52). / It first played at the 1972 Auckland Festival.

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hui tōpū

1. (verb) to be assembled.

E hui tōpū ana ngā iwi o te mānia o Heretaunga ki reira ki te ārai atu i te marau a Tangiteruru, kaingārahu o Ngāti Maru (TTR 1994:39). / The tribes of the Heretaunga plain were assembled there to repel the raid of Tangiteruru, leader of Ngāti Maru.

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2. (noun) assembly, synod.

Ko tana mahi nui rawa atu mā ngā Hāhi, ko te rironga nāna i taki te kapa waiata Mihingare i te Hui Tōpū Māori o Aotearoa i te marae o Tūrangawaewae i te tau 1962 (TTR 2000:134). / Her greatest contribution to other churches was in leading an Anglican culture group at the New Zealand-wide Māori Synod held at Tūrangawaewae marae in 1962.

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hui ahurei

1. (noun) festival.

hui tuku tohu

1. (noun) graduation, ceremony awarding degrees, diplomas and certificates.

hui ā-ataata

1. (noun) video conference.

hui ā-tau

1. (noun) annual meeting.

Hei te 25 o ngā rā o Pēpuere ka tīmata te hui ā-tau a ngā tākuta o Nui Tīreni me ētahi takuta manuhiri tūārangi o ērā atu wāhi o te ao ki Rotorua (TTT 1/1/1928:714). / On 25 February the annual conference of New Zealand and international doctors begins at Rotorua.

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Whano, whano! Haramai te toki! Haumi ē! Hui ē! Tāiki ē!

1. a saying often used in speeches. It is used to signal that the group is united and ready to progress the purpose of them coming together.

See also whano, haumi


1. (verb) (-tia) to strengthen the force of a rāhui using karakia.

He mea rāhui, ka turukitia e te tohunga (W 1971:461). / It is temporarily prohibited, reinforced with karakia by the tohunga.

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2. (verb) to moult, lose feathers.

Kei taua wā e turuki ai te pārera, ka haere ngā tāngata i runga i ngā waka me ngā kurī, ki te whakangau pārera, i tēnā rā, i tēnā rā, o te wā o te turukitanga (JPS 1895:142). / At the time that the ducks moult, the people proceed in their canoes with their dogs to hunt ducks on each day, so long as the moulting lasts.

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Synonyms: whakamāunu

3. (verb) to travel by short stages, move little by little.

Turuki, turuki! Paneke, paneke! (NP 2001:412). / Move, move! Move forward, move forward! (A chant used to move a canoe on skids, or some other heavy object.)

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4. (verb) to grow up in addition.

Ka turuki ake ngā huruhuru hou o te manu (W 1971:461). / The bird's new feathers grew.

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5. (verb) to be full, crowded.

Kua turuki kē te waka, horekau he nohoanga e wātea ana (PK 2008:1018). / The vehicle is already full and there are no free seats.

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6. (verb) to come as a supplement, follow.

Ka haere atu koutou āpōpō, ka turaki atu mātou i muri (W 1971:461). / You will go tomorrow and we will follow afterwards.

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7. (noun) sucker (of a tree or plant).

Unuhia katoatia ngā turuki (arā ngā pihi) i ngā rākau (TMT 1/6/1861:15). / Remove all the suckers (that is the shoots) on the plants.

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8. (noun) subsidiary, supplement, addition, reinforcement, encore, epilogue - anything supplementary or in support.

Synonyms: tānga


1. (loan) (noun) police officer, constable, cop, policeman, police woman.

E kī ana taua rata, he kore moni nā te Kāwanatanga, hei utu mō tāna mahi tirotiro tūroro Māori, ko tōna utu pirihimana tonu e ora nei ia, i āna mahi titiro tūroro Māori (TW 12/2/1875:9). / The doctor says that the Government do not pay him for attending Māori patients, it is his own salary for police that keeps him, when attending Māori patients.

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Synonyms: pirīhi, kātipa

2. (loan) (noun) person keeping order at hui.

Ko Wiremu Kiriwehi te tiamana, ko te Weri Teuira te karaka, ko Katera Poni te pirihimana (TJ 14/9/1899:4). / Wiremu Kiriwehi was the chairman, Wei Teuira was the clerk, while Katera Poni kept order.

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1. (noun) someone who abuses a rāhui.

Ko te kairāmua he kaupapa patu i te mana o te rāhui. /

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See also rāhui


1. (verb) to give something secretly or quietly - used of giving koha in person directly and unobtrusively to the rangatira or a member of the bereaved family at a hui or tangihanga.

See also kōkuhu

2. (verb) to introduce surreptitiously.

Kia kore ai e tutū te puehu i āta haere noa te kōkohu mai a Īhaka i ngā take nei, arā, i te whakahaere o ngā karakia hou, ture hou rānei a te Hāhi (TTR 2000:93). / To avoid disruption, Īhaka surreptitiously introduced these matters slowly, whether it was the organisation of the new liturgy, or new rules of the church.

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1. (noun) King Movement gathering - hui held on marae where people who support the Kīngitanga demonstrate their loyalty, contribute to funds and discuss movement affairs.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 26-28; Te Kōhure Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 1;)

Nō te tau 1885, i tīmataria e ia te tikanga mō te poukai e torotoro ā-tau haere ai te Kīngi i ngā marae o te Kīngitanga ki te whakatītina i ngā iwi kia taki hokihoki ki ō rātou marae, ahakoa mō te wā kotahi noa iho i te tau (TTR 1994:133). / In 1885 he initiated the institution of poukai, where the King would pay annual visits to King movement marae to encourage people to return to their home marae even if it was just once a year.

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