1. (noun) gathering, meeting, confluence, junction.
Ka hoe ngā waka, ā, ka tae ki Puke-āhua i runga tata mai o te huinga o Waipā ki te awa o Waikato (NIT 1995:243). / The canoes paddled along and reached Puke-āhua, just above the confluence of the Waipā and Waikato rivers.
Synonyms: muriwai, komititanga, tūtakitanga, pūtahitanga, tūtaki, whakamenenga, hui, huihuinga
2. (noun) perineum - the part of the body between the anus and the scrotum or vulva.
3. (noun) set (maths).
Ko te huinga tētahi rōpū tau, rōpū āhua, rōpū taonga, rōpū tangata, rōpū aha rānei. Ka whakamahia ngā tohu { } hei whakaatu i tēnei mea te huinga, ā, ka tuhia ngā huānga o te huinga ki waenganui. Anei te huinga taurua: {0, 2, 4, 6 ...}. Anei te huinga taukehe kei waenganui i te 4 me te 10: {5, 7, 9} (TRP 2010:127). / A set is a collection of numbers, of shapes, of objects, of people, or of anything. The symbols { } are used to show a set. The members of the set are recorded between the brackets. For example, {0, 2, 4, 6 ...} is the set of even numbers. {5, 7, 9} is the set of odd numbers between 4 and 10 (TRP 2010:127).