1. (noun) backwater, lagoon (at the mouth of a river).
Riro ana nāna i whakahaere te take whakahoki mai i te taitara o Te Whanganui-a-Orotū, arā, te muriwai me te aka o Ahuriri, me te whenua rāhui o Puketitiri, ki a Ngāti Kahungunu (TTR 1994:139). / He took over the leadership of the campaign for the return to Ngāti Kahungunu of the title to Te Whanganui-o-Orotū, that is the lagoon and Napier inner harbour, and the Puketitiri reserve.
2. (noun) confluence, junction - of two or more streams. If more than two streams meet at one point ngā muriwai is used.
Kai te muriwai o Mimiha, o Mangakākaho (W 1971:215). / It was at the confluence of the Mimiha and Mangakākaho.
Synonyms: komititanga, tūtakitanga, pūtahitanga, huinga