1. (noun) division, company, relay (of people), reinforcement.
I whakawhiti atu ia ki tāwāhi i te taha o te Ope Tānga Tekau Mā Tahi (TTR 1998:150). / He went overseas with the 11th Reinforcements.
E ai ki a Paipai, ka wehewehea ngā tānga o rātou hei whaiwhai i te moa kia ngenge. Kia pau te hau i te omanga, kua ngāwari noa iho te hauhau kia mate (TTR 1990:93). / According to Paipai, they were divided into relays to pursue the moa so they became exhausted. When they were tired from running away, clubbing them to death was quite easy.
Synonyms: turuki