1. (loan) (noun) police officer, constable, cop, policeman, police woman.
E kī ana taua rata, he kore moni nā te Kāwanatanga, hei utu mō tāna mahi tirotiro tūroro Māori, ko tōna utu pirihimana tonu e ora nei ia, i āna mahi titiro tūroro Māori (TW 12/2/1875:9). / The doctor says that the Government do not pay him for attending Māori patients, it is his own salary for police that keeps him, when attending Māori patients.
2. (loan) (noun) person keeping order at hui.
Ko Wiremu Kiriwehi te tiamana, ko te Weri Teuira te karaka, ko Katera Poni te pirihimana (TJ 14/9/1899:4). / Wiremu Kiriwehi was the chairman, Wei Teuira was the clerk, while Katera Poni kept order.