



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to be dark, sad, disheartened, mournful, sorry, remorseful.

Ehara i te hukarere noa iho nei, engari he huka whakapohe rawa i te tangata, pōuri ana te rā ānō he pō (TWMNT 30/7/1873:85). / It wasn't just snow, but snow that completely blinds a person and the day was so dark it was as if it was night.

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Synonyms: whakaingoingo, tīkapa, whakahiatangi, taukuri, hinapōuri, rīpenetā, whakakiwakiwa, ruku popoi, tiwhatiwha, manatu, whakaaroha, kiwa, kiwakiwa, pōkē, whakapōuri, matapōuri, āroharoha

2. (verb) to regret.

3. (adjective) be dark, sad, disheartened, mournful, sorry, remorseful, in the dark, not understanding.

Auau tonu tana tono kia whakamāoritia mai ngā pire me ngā kōrero Pāremata, he pōuri nōna, he kore e mātau nōna ki te whai i ngā whakahaere (TTR 1998:204). / He frequently asked for the bills and Parliamentary discussions to be translated into Māori because he was in the dark in not understanding the proceedings..

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4. (modifier) sad, depressing, gloomy, distressing.

He kōrero pukukata tēnei, engari rā he kōrero pōuri rawa (TP 11/1906:1). / This is an hilarious story, but it's also a very sad tale.

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5. (noun) darkness, sorrow, sadness, gloom, despondency, desolation, dejection.

Ko te wikitoria kei a koe, ko te mehameha ko te pōuri kei a mātou (TP 3/1907:2). / Yours is the victory, while we are left with loneliness and despondency.

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Synonyms: matapōuri, pōuritanga, auhi, whakapōuri, mōteatea, tiwhatiwha, auwhi, matarehu, matapōrehu, hinapōuri

ngākau pōuri

1. (verb) to be offended, depressed, heavy-hearted, downcast, dejected, despondent.

Ko te tapahanga tuawhā tēnei; ka tāorotia hoki a Kororāreka. Nō konei ka ngākau pōuri a Nene (TTR 1990:66). / This was the fourth time it was cut down; and Kororāreka was sacked. Consequently Nene was personally heavy-hearted.

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Synonyms: whakamauāhara

2. (noun) sad heart, heavy heart, distressed in spirit.

Tēnei te hoki mai nei me te ngākau pōuri, me te ngākau tangi mō koutou kua ngaro i ōku tirohanga kanohi, i ā tātou mahi, i ā tātou nohoanga tahi (TTT 1/4/1930:2029). / I return with a heavy and weeping heart for you who have gone from my sight, from our work and from dwelling together.

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pōuri ake

1. get out of my way, please! make way! move aside, excuse me.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 140;)

Pōuri ake koutou! / Move aside, please!

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See also pōuri

Synonyms: pōuri atu

pōuri atu

1. get out of my way, please! make way! move aside, excuse me.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 140;)

Pōuri atu koutou! / Move aside, please!
Kīia atu ēnā kia pōuri atu kei te pōrearea noa iho te tū mai i konā. / They were told to move aside because they're just a nuisance standing there.

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See also pōuri, pōuri ake

Synonyms: pōuri ake

pōuri ngihangiha

1. very dark.


1. (loan) (stative) be dark blue, navy blue.

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