1. (verb) (-tia) to heap up, lie in a heap.
Pūrangatia mā koutou he taonga ki te rangi, ki te wāhi e kore ai e whakakino te huhu, te waikura (KO 15/9/1883:3). / Pile up treasures in heaven for yourselves, in the place where huhu grubs and rust will not damage them.
Synonyms: kāike, pūhangaiti, kāika, tihi, putu, whakaputu, pūkei, kāuki, pū, pūkai, haipū, pīhangaiti, tāwhetawheta, tāwheta, haupū
2. (noun) heap, deck (of cards).
Kia mā ngā huarahi o te pā, kaua e waiho ngā pūranga paru, ngā wāhi katoa hoki e puta ana te haunga (TP 1/1/1900:9). / The streets of the town should be clean, do not neglect piles of filth and all the places emitting unpleasant smells.
See also pūranga moni
Synonyms: pūkei kāri
3. (noun) archive.
Ko te pūranga e kōrerohia ake nei, he pukapuka i tuhia i ngā rā o mua engari e whaimana tonu ana ināianei, ā, haere ake nei (HM 2/1998). / The archive being discussed above are books written in the past but which still have relevance now and into the future.