1. (verb) to lie in a heap, be gathered together, be in one place.
Ko te mea tuatahi mā te tangata mārena, mā te tangata rānei e tata ana te mārena, ko te hanga whare kia wehe kē, kia mākohakoha ai tā rāua nā noho ko tōna hoa, kia pihangaiti ai ā rāua taonga (TP 12/1909:2). / The first thing for the married man, or the man about to be married, is to build a separate house so that he and his partner can like in tranquility, and so that their possessions can be gathered together.
Synonyms: kāuki, kāike, pūhangaiti, kāika, tihi, putu, whakaputu, pūkei, pūranga, haupū, pū, pūkai, haipū, tāwhetawheta, tāwheta
2. (modifier) compact, concentrated.
Tuatoru i nui ai tēnei parekura kua mutu te whawhai ki te wāhi pīhangaiti nō te mea he wāhi tērā e kaha ai a Tāke (TKO 15/3/1917:8). / Thirdly this battle, where the fighting has ended in a restricted area, was a big one because that was the place where Turkey was strong.