1. (modifier) spread out, scattered, dispersed.
He iwi kōkau te tipu, he nunui ngā iwi o te tangata, he takoto ngā turi, he paraha te āhua o te kanohi, he kanae ngā mata, he tiro pīkari, he pātiki te ihu, ko te pongare he kaupararī; he makawe torotika, he mahora ētahi, he kiri pūwhero waitutu, he iwi kiriahi, he māngere (JPS 1913:169). / They were a thin, upright, tall people, a people with big bones, and their knees were prominent. Their faces were broad; the eyes were big with side-long glances. The nose was flat and the ridge of the nose was narrow, with the nostrils bulging out. The hair was straight, and some had lank hair. Their skins were reddish black. They were a people who kept close to the fire and were lazy.
Synonyms: katea, tīrangorango, kūwawa, maheu, korara, mirara, pirara, mahora, marara, tīrara, tīrararara, papata, wawā, wāwā, whakawawā, makatea, mātiritiri, kaupāpari, kātohatoha, pahara, paihore, whakapirara, pīwawa, tīrangaranga