1. (verb) (-a) to cause to descend, let down, lower, shed (tears).
I te raumati ka kapi katoa ngā awa nui i te kahupapa rākau e whakaheke ana ki ngā mira (TWMNT 17/9/1873:109). / In summer the main rivers are all covered with timber rafts being guided down to the mills.
Synonyms: iho, whakamahuru, whakararo, whakahinga, tuku, whakahoro, tukutuku
2. (verb) (-a) to decrease, reduce, lower.
I kī mai a Māminga nāna i whakaheke te utu o tana waka, he pai nōna ki a au. Mēnā e hokona ana ki tētahi atu, kua kotahi mano tāra atu anō. Rangi: Tēnā rūkahu tēnā. Kaua e arohia atu ngā whakapatipati a tēnā kutu (HKK 1999:65). / Pare: Māminga (Deceitful) said that he reduced the price of his vehicle because he liked me. If he was selling it to someone else it would have been one thousand dollars more. Rangi: That's a load of rubbish. Don't take any notice of that vermin's smooth talk.
Synonyms: whakamimiti, heke haere, tāharahara, rūnā, whakaiti
3. (verb) (-a) to hand down, bequeath, pass down.
Ka whakaaria atu ki a Puhihuia, ka mea atu a ia, "E kō, tēnā tō patu, te patu a tō matua i whakahekea mai ki a au tā tātou manatunga mau ai, tēnā tō patu hei koha māu ki ō tātou ariki i Āwhitū" (TAH 45/1963:20). / He showed it to Puhihuia, saying, "Young woman, that is your weapon, the weapon of your father, which he gave to me as our heirloom to hold onto, and that is your weapon for you as your gift to our high chiefs at Awhitū."
5. (noun) facial gesture in kapa haka.
Ko te whakaheke, koia te momo whakapī e miramira ai te kauae (RMR 2017). / The whakaheke is the type of grimace that highlights the chin.
6. (noun) haka stance.
Ko te whakaheke: Ka toro whakamuri te waewae matau me te paku piko o ngā turi (RMR 2017). / The whakaheke stance: The right leg extends backwards and the knees are slightly bent.
2. (noun) surfing.
whakaheke tupu
1. (adjective) be treated with indignity.
Āpōpō rātou te kite ai kua kore ngā tikanga āhuareka e whakaaria ana ināianei hei poapoa i a rātou, arā te whakamana i te iwi katoa kia mana nui ana i runga i te whakahaeretanga o ngā mahi kāwanatanga; engari he tikanga whakawehi te tikanga, he kāwanatanga tupua, he whakaheke tupu tangata (TWMNT 9/8/1879:489). / In the future they will find that there will no longer be happiness as presently displayed to attract them, that is the empowering of all the people as a result of the government's operations; but instead it will be fear and a demon government treating people with indignity.
2. (modifier) degenerate, depraved.
Kei pōuri te tangata, kei ririhau mō te hanga e whakahē nei te nūpepa ki tēnei kai whakaheke tupu, ki tēnei kai whakamatemate tangata, ki te tupeka (KO 15/9/1883:6). / Don't be despondent, don't be angry with the people that the newspaper is criticising about this degenerate product, this substance killing people, tobacco.
mana whakaheke
1. (noun) inherited status, mana through descent - mana that originates from the atua and is handed down through the senior male line from the atua. Also called mana tūpuna or mana tuku iho.
(Te Kōhure Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 6;)
See also mana tūpuna