2. (noun) sound, rumble.
3. (noun) note (music).
He tōiriiritanga takitahi te oro ka rangona e te taringa. He mea whakaatu te oro ki tētahi tohu puoro kotahi, e kitea ai tōna roa me tōna tangi (RTP 2015:67). / A note is a single audible vibration or sound. A note is represented by a musical symbol which shows its duration and pitch (RTP 2015:67).
1. (noun) grove of trees of one kind, orchard.
He papa kāinga anō tō ia whānau i roto i ngā māra witi, māra kānga, māra rīwai, māra kūmara, oro pītiti me ētahi atu oro rākau (TTR 1990:321). / Each extended family had its own group of houses, surrounded by fields of wheat, maize, potatoes and kumara, and groves of peach trees and other orchards.
Synonyms: uru huarākau
2. (noun) sharpening, grinding.
Ko ngā mahi ngāwari noa, pēnei i te whiri taura, te raranga harakeke me ngā mahi uaua pērā i te oro toki ka tukuna mā te hunga kaumātua hei mahi (Te Ara 2016). / Light tasks, such as rolling rope, weaving, or the difficult jobs, such as of sharpening adzes, were given to the elderly people to do.
oro tongi
1. (noun) dotted note (music).
Ka tuhia he tongi ki te taha matau o tētahi oro hei whakaroa i taua oro mā te haurua atu anō. Ka kīia ēnei, he oro tongi (RTP 2015:114). / A dot is written to the right-hand side of a note to lengthen that note by half a length more. This is called a dotted note.
pūkenga oro
1. (noun) audio technician, audio engineer.
Ko te mahi a te pūkenga oro, he hopu, he rāwekeweke, he whakanikoniko, he whakaputa i te puoro. He wā anō, ko tāna mahi he whakarite, he whakahaere i ngā oro mō tētahi whakaaturanga mataora ki te atamira o te whare whakaari. Ko te āhua o ngā oro hei whakaū i te wairua o te whakaaturanga (RMR 2017). / The role of a sound engineer is to record, manipulate, embellish and reproduce music. Another role is in arranging and controlling the sound for a live stage production. The nature of the sound helps establish the mood of the production (RMR 2017).
oro tāhiko
1. (noun) electronic sound.
Ko te oro tāhiko he reo ka whakaputaina e te pūrere tāhiko, pērā i te hangaoro, te rorohiko me te kitā hihiko (RTP 2015:69). / Electronic sound is the sounds that are produced by an electronic device such as a synthesiser, a computer or an electric guitar (RTP 2015:69).
tohu oro
1. (noun) vowel.
Nāna i whakamana te whakamau atu o te tohutō hei whakaatu i ngā tohu oro roa, he pai kē atu ki a ia tēnei tikanga i te mahi whakahuarua kē i ngā tohu oro (TTR 2000:168). / He authorised the use of macrons to indicate long vowels. He preferred this method over doubling the vowel.
See also oropuare