1. (personal name) Earth, Earth mother and wife of Rangi-nui - all living things originate from them.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 39-42;)
Ka miria e te hauku a Papatūānuku (TTT 1/3/1930:2006). / Papatūānuku is caressed by the dew.
See also atua
1. (noun) mother-in-law, father-in-law.
Kua waihotia e te Pākehā hei pūtake kōrero whakakata, hei pepeha māna te hungarei, te hungawai, te matua hūngoi rānei (TTT 1/3/1924:13). / The mother-in-law, or spouse's mother, is a source of jokes and sayings bequeathed by the Pākehā.
See also hūngoi
1. (noun) mother, aunty - eastern dialect.
He tauira mā tātau ko ā tātau tamariki, kotahi te pāpā, kotahi te kōkā, he rerekē te tama, he rerekē te tamāhine, he rerekē te tuatoru, me te tuawhā, me ngā ritenga hoki, he ahuwhenua tētahi, he māngere tētahi, he hūmārie tētahi, he haututū tētahi (TPH 15/8/1903:4). / Our children are an example for us and although there is one father and one mother the son, the daughter, the third and fourth are all different, one is industrious, another is lazy, another is handsome and another is mischievous.
Synonyms: kōkara, kowhaea, hākuikui, whāwhārua, māmā, whaea, whaene, hākui, ūkaipō
1. (noun) plaiting of three or more strands producing a flat cord.
Synonyms: tari-karakia, tuapuku, tuamaka, tari-kākāriki, whiri papa, whiri kawe, kārure, tōpuku, whiri pāraharaha, whiri pekapeka, whiri taurakeke, whiri iwituna, tātoru
2. (noun) umbilical cord (end attached to the mother).
Ko te tūhonotanga ki te whaea, ko te rauru tēnā; ko te pito e mau nei ki te tamaiti, ka kīia tēnā ko te pito; ko waenganui ko te iho tēnā (W 1971:75). / The attachment to the mother is the 'rauru'; the end fixed to the child is called the 'pito'; and in the middle is the 'iho'.
3. (noun) spiral form of carving ornamentation.
Ko te rauru. He rite tēnei ki te rauponga engari he tōrino kē te āhua. / The rauru carving pattern. This is similar to the rauponga pattern but has a spiral form instead.
1. (noun) mother (of animals).
Ka rere taku kurī ki te ngau i te tīaka e haere tika mai ana ki ahau. Kīhei i taea e Momi te pupuri te poaka uwha rā (TAH 63:7). / My dog flew to bite the mother which was coming straight towards me. Momi wasn't able to hold that sow.
Synonyms: whāereere
1. (noun) mother, source of sustenance.
2. (noun) origin, real home.
1. (noun) mothers, aunties - used in this form with a lengthened vowel in the plural by some iwi.
Whakahauhautia ana e ia ngā whāea kia haramai ki ngā karaehe a ā rātau tamariki (TTR 1998:226). / She encouraged mothers to come to their children's classes.
See also whaea
whaea whāngai
1. (noun) foster mother.
I a au i tō māua kāinga o taku whaea whāngai, i Te Whakakī, e pātata atu ana ki Nūhaka, ia Rārima, haere ai au ki Te Wairoa mā runga i ngā hōiho e rua o taku whaea Pākehā (HP 1991:45). / While I was at my foster mother and my home in Whakakī, near Nūhaka, each Friday I went to Wairoa on the two horses of my Pākehā mother.
See also whāngai
1. (noun) mother, aunt.
1. (noun) mother (of one's children), wife.
Ka haere a Tūrongo ki te rāwhiti, ā, ka tae ki te kāinga o Te Angiangi rāua ko te whāereere, ko Tuaka, i te takiwā ki Kahotea (TWK 3:19). / Tūrongo went to the east and arrived at the home of Te Angiangi and his wife, Tuaka, in the district of Kahotea.
2. (noun) mother (of animals).
Ka tere mate ngā kūao whānau hou ki te kore e tere kitea te waiū o te whāereere (HJ 2015:235). / New-born offspring will die quickly if they don't find the mother's milk in a short space of time.
Synonyms: tīaka
1. (noun) an atua regarded as the exemplary figure of a wife and mother. According to some narratives she married Tinirau and gave birth to Tūhuruhuru.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 27-28;)
See also atua
1. (noun) mother-in-law, father-in-law.
He kōrero whānui nā te Pākehā, he whakaaturanga nā ngā tini tau, e kore te hungarei wahine e noho pai rāua ko tana hunaonga i te whare kotahi, engari kāore pea tēnei kōrero e tika rawa mō ngā hungarei Māori (TTT 1/3/1924:13). / There is a general saying of the Pākehā, stated over many years, that a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law will not live in harmony in the same house, but this statement is probably not correct for Māori mothers-in-law.
1. (noun) female (animal or bird), mother, dam.
Nā tana kaha riri ki tēnei, ka takahiria e te rangatira rā ngā ngutu o te karawa huia kia roa kia tarea ai e ia te whakatika tōna hikumārō ki te taha (Te Ara 2015). / Because he was annoyed with this, the chief curved the beak of the female huia so that it was long enough for her to be able to lift her tail feathers to the side.
2. (modifier) steep, perpendicular, upright.
Ko te wāhi tukunga atu ki te awa he tahataha āhua poupou tonu (HP 1991:20). / The place for entering the river was quite a steep bank.
3. (noun) wall-pillars, post, pole, upright slabs forming the framework of the walls of a house, carved wall figures, peg, stake.
Ka titiro a Wairangi, ko ngā poupou o te whare he kōhurihuri kahikatea (JPS 1910:198). / Wairangi looked and noticed that the side posts of the house were of sapling white pine.
Synonyms: pouihi, pōhi, tīrau, titi, mātiti, tahatiti, koropā, tia, toko, tiripou, turupou, tumutumu, tumu, pōra, pou, tīrou, tōpito o te ao, pōhi, turuturu, koteo, tokotoko
4. (noun) old folk.
Synonyms: mātāpuputu
5. (noun) father-in-law, mother-in-law.
Kātahi ka kī atu te wahine rā ki tana tāne, “Kua kite au i tōu poupou." (JPS 1893:214). / Then that woman said to her husband, “I have seen your father-in-law."
1. (noun) mother, mum, old woman, elderly woman.
Ka tuhia ki roto ki taua pukapuka ngā ingoa o ngā hākorokoro, ngā hākuikui, ngā tamariki kai ū, me ngā tāngata kē atu (TWMNT 2/12/1871:12). / Written in that document are the names of the elderly men and women, the breastfeeding children and strangers.
Synonyms: ngoingoi, kui, tāua, kuikui, rūruhi, ruahine, pēperekōu, kōkā, kōkara, ūkaipō, kowhaea, whāwhārua, māmā, whaea, whaene, hākui