1. (noun) plaiting of three or more strands producing a flat cord.
Synonyms: tari-karakia, tuapuku, tuamaka, tari-kākāriki, whiri papa, whiri kawe, kārure, tōpuku, whiri pāraharaha, whiri pekapeka, whiri taurakeke, whiri iwituna, tātoru
2. (noun) umbilical cord (end attached to the mother).
Ko te tūhonotanga ki te whaea, ko te rauru tēnā; ko te pito e mau nei ki te tamaiti, ka kīia tēnā ko te pito; ko waenganui ko te iho tēnā (W 1971:75). / The attachment to the mother is the 'rauru'; the end fixed to the child is called the 'pito'; and in the middle is the 'iho'.
3. (noun) spiral form of carving ornamentation.
Ko te rauru. He rite tēnei ki te rauponga engari he tōrino kē te āhua. / The rauru carving pattern. This is similar to the rauponga pattern but has a spiral form instead.