1. (noun) grandma, old woman, elderly woman - a term of address for an older woman, especially an elderly woman.
Kei taku kākā tarahae, kei taku manu tīoriori kua mū nei koe i roto i te rā nei, me mihi taurangi noa rā te mihi ki a koe e kui, haere rā, haere atu rā! (HM 2/1994:2). / O my leader, my songbird, you have become silent now and we pay tribute to you, my elderly lady, farewell!
Synonyms: hākuikui, ngoingoi, tāua, kuikui, hākui, rūruhi, ruahine, pēperekōu
2. (personal noun) grandma, old woman, elderly woman.
Heoi anō, kei te haerea, kei te nōhia tonuhia te wao e Ngāi Tūhoe, e whai tonu ana i ngā mahi a kui mā, a koro mā (Te Ara 2016). / However, the bush is still travelled and inhabited by Tūhoe and they still follow the activities of their grandmothers and grandfathers.