



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) level surface, floor, stage, platform, layer.

He oneone te kaupapa o te whare (HP 1991:12). / The house had an earth floor.

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See also kahupapa

Synonyms: ahurewa, atamira, raho, rahoraho, tūāpapa, raupapa, kāraho, whatārangi, mātā, whakapaparanga, kahupapa, apaapa, apa, papanga, paparanga

2. (noun) topic, policy, matter for discussion, plan, purpose, scheme, proposal, agenda, subject, programme, theme, issue, initiative.

I tuhi a Rōpiha i ētahi pūrongo i 'Te Ao Hou', ā, i āwhina atu hoki ia ki te ārahi i ngā kaupapa a te maheni nei i ōna tau tuatahi (TTR 2000:188). / Rōpiha wrote articles for 'Te Ao Hou', and he also helped guide the magazine’s policies in its early years.

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Synonyms: aronga, kaupapa here, hōtaka, marohi, hoaketanga, whāinga, koronga, kakai, tikanga, tātai, whakangārahu, mahere, whakatakoto, whakamahere, hoahoa, pēwheatanga, take, whakakaupapa, whakatakotoranga, whakaaro, tītakataka

3. (noun) raft.

Ka mahia te kaupapa raupō ... ka hoea taua kaupapa ki te au o te awa punga ai (White 5 1888:68). / The raupō raft was made and then it was paddled into the current of the river to anchor it.

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See also kahupapa

Synonyms: mōkī, kahupapa, pūtere, puwhau, manaia, mōkihi

4. (noun) main body of a cloak.

Ka whakamaua atu ngā huruhuru kiwi ki te kaupapa o te kahu (PK 2008:238). / The kiwi feathers were fixed to the body of the cloak.

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kaupapa whakangungu

1. (noun) training scheme.

kaupapa kaute

1. (noun) accounting policy.

kaupapa whiu

1. (noun) penal programme.

kaupapa āpiti

1. (noun) sub-theme.

kura kaupapa

1. (noun) primary school operating under Māori custom and using Māori as the medium of instruction.

mahere kaupapa

1. (noun) project map.

kaupapa here

1. (noun) policy.

Ko tā Te Awa-i-taia ki a Kāwana Hōri Kerei i te tau 1863, he whakahē i ngā kaupapa here a te kāwanatanga, e pā ana ki te tū a Wiremu Kīngi Te Rangitāke, arā, mō tōna kore hiahia hoko i ngā whenua o Waitara (TTR 1990:174). / Te Awa-i-taia told Governor George Grey in 1863 that he objected to government policies concerning Wiremu Kīngi Te Rangitāke's stand, who did not wish to sell Waitara lands.

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Synonyms: kaupapa

kaupapa whakawhiwhi mahi

1. (noun) job scheme.

kaupapa ā-rua

1. (adjective) (number) binary.

kaupapa ā-tau

1. (noun) number base.

Kaitohutohu Kaupapa Rawa

1. Treasury.

Manatū Kaupapa Waonga

1. Ministry of Defence.

kaupapa rapunga whakaaro

1. (noun) philosophy (subject).

I hoki atu anō hoki ia i te tau 1955 ki te whai anō i te kaupapa rapunga whakaaro, ā, ka hia kē nei hoki te nui o ngā kōrero tuku iho me te mātauranga momo tangata o te Māori i oti i a ia te rangahau (TTR 2000:10). / He also returned in 1955 to pursue philosophy and did much research into Māori history and ethnography.

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whakamāherehere kaupapa here

1. (noun) policy strategy.

Ka tuku whakamāherehere kaupapa here pai rawa atu a Te Puni Kōkiri mō te kawenga o te Karauna ki ngā iwi, hapū, Māori, ā, mō ngā whāinga, pānga, kawenga hiki a te Kāwanatanga e pā ana ki te Māori (RT 2013:110). / An excellent policy strategy of The Ministry of Māori Development will be delivered for distribution to tribes, subtribes and Māori and it is about the objectives, interests and obligations of the Government concerning Māori.

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tau kaupapa-rua

1. (noun) binary number.

tau kaupapa-waru

1. (noun) octal number.

kaupapa o te moana

1. (noun) seabed.

Kei te haere te tini o ngā kōura i te kaupapa o te moana (WT 2013:33). / Many crayfish are on the move on the seabed.

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Synonyms: papamoana, takere, parumoana


1. (noun) house of learning - traditional place where tohunga taught esoteric knowledge to selected men.

Wharekura: Ko te whare kōrero i te wānanga, i ngā kōrero tūpuna (M 2006:272). / House of learning: The house where knowledge of esoteric lore was taught and also ancestral lore (M 2006:273).

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2. (noun) school, school house.

Ko tēnei wharekura nā te Hāhi i utu ngā mea katoa (TP 11/1900:5). / For this school the Church paid for everything.

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3. (noun) secondary school run on kaupapa Māori principles - these schools use Māori language as the medium of instruction and incorporate Māori customary practices into the way they operate.

E haere ana āna mokopuna ki te wharekura o Rākaumangamanga kia mōhio ai rātou ki te kōrero Māori. / Her grandchildren are attending the Rākaumangamanga wharekura so that they know how to speak Māori.

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Aho Matua

1. The philosophical base for Kura Kaupapa Māori education for the teaching and learning of children. Te Aho Matua is presented in six parts, each part having a special focus on what, from a Māori point of view, is crucial in the education of children: 1. Te ira tangata – the physical and spiritual endowment of children and the importance of nurturing both in their education; 2. Te reo – principles by which this bilingual competence will be achieved; 3. Ngā iwi – principles important in the socialisation of children; 4. Te ao – those aspects of the world that impact on the learning of children; 5. Āhuatanga ako – the principles of teaching practice that are of vital importance in the education of children; 6. Te tino uaratanga – the characteristics aiming to be developed in children.

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