1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to question, enquire, inquire, provoke, challenge, interview.
I ētahi rangi nei kātahi ka hopungia tētahi tangata ki te herehere, ki te whakaaro he pōrangi. I tētahi rangi ake ka mauria ki te aroaro o te kaiwhakawā, ka patapataitia, rereke noa atu ngā whakahokihoki i ngā patapatai (TPH 30/8/1898:4). / In recent days a man was imprisoned and it was thought that he was mad. A day later he was taken before the judge and when he was questioned the answers to the questions were quite strange.
Synonyms: whakaui, whakanano, ui, uiui, urupounamu, pakirehua, whakatari, māreherehe, kōpana, pātai, pītaritari, pātari, hītaritari, eneene, whakapātari, mukākā, whakatatari, taunanawe, pītari, pākani, pātaritari, patou, pātaitai, whakakārangirangi, whakapātaritari, whakatenetene, whakatumatuma, whakahorohoro, whakariri
2. (noun) question, questioning - a frequentive form of pātai.
Na, i konei ka mārama katoa ngā tāngata o waho o te whare wānanga ki ngā kōrero a Kupe, me ngā patapatai a ngā tohunga o te whare wānanga (JPS 1914:192). / And now all men outside the school of learning understood Kupe's teaching the questions asked by the priests of the school of learning.
Synonyms: pākiki, uiui, uiuinga, pātaitaitanga, pātaitai