1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to trouble, annoy, provoke.
Nāna i whakakīkī kauaka hei whakatūngia anō he pā, kei māreherehe te iwi (TTR 1990:306). / He persuaded them not to erect another pā lest it was seen as provocation.
Synonyms: hītaritari, pākani, pātaritari, patou, pātaitai, whakakārangirangi, whakapātaritari, whakatenetene, whakatumatuma, whakahorohoro, whakariri, whakatari, kōpana, pātai, pītaritari, pātari, pītari, eneene, whakapātari, patapatai, mukākā, whakatatari, taunanawe
2. (noun) trouble.
Mehemea, ka haere i runga i te kūwaretanga, i te wāina, i te pia, i te parani, me ērā atu kai whakatautauhea i te tangata, tērā e kite i tā rātou māreherehe, i ngā māniania, i ngā whakatenetene; ā, ka whakatiorotia ngā taringa ki ngā karanga whakakaitoa, o te tini, o te mano (KO 15/3/1884:4). / If they had gone in ignorance with wine, beer, brandy and other substances that debauch people, then we would understand their trouble, the problems and the annoyance, and we would have been assailed with the strident recriminating calls of the mass.