1. (noun) middle finger.
Synonyms: māpere
1. (noun) albatross, wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans, black-browed mollymawk, Diomedea melanophrys, southern royal albatross, Diomedea epomophora, northern royal albatross, Diomedea sanfordi - very large oceanic birds with long, narrow wings. Found in the southern waters but nest on islands in the southern ocean and at Pukekura (Taiaroa Head, Dunedin).
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 19; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 3, 25; Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 99;)
Ka pakaru ngā kākahu, ka tuia he kākahu mō rātou ki te kiri kekeno, he iwi toroa ngā ngira (TWM 20/2/1868:5). / When their clothes were ragged they sewed garments of seal skins and the needles were of albatross bone.
2. (noun) tuft of albatross down worn as an adornment.
Ka tukua ā rātou nei hinu kakara, me ngā remu huia, me ngā hou toroa, me ngā ipu taramea ki te tino rangatira o taua pā nei, o Maungawhau (TAH 44:24). / Their fragrant oils, huia tail-feathers, albatross feathers, and containers of taramea scent were given to the head chief of the pā of Mount Eden.
1. (loan) (noun) drawer.
E mōhio ana au i konei ngā toroa, ngā kāpata, ngā tūru, ngā pēti, ngā whāriki me ngā mahi katoa e tika ana mō ngā whakapaipai whare (TJ 16/8/1898:8). / I know that here there are drawers, cupboards, chairs, beds, rugs and all manner of activities appropriate for decorating the houses.
toroa pango
1. (noun) light-mantled sooty albatross, Phoebetria palpebrata - a large seabird with sooty-brown head, throat and wings. The back from nape to rump is ash-grey and the bill is black with a blue line along the lower bill.
Synonyms: pēō, toroa haunui, toroa ruru, kōputu, toroa-a-ruru
toroa ruru
1. (noun) light-mantled sooty albatross, Phoebetria palpebrata - a large seabird with sooty-brown head, throat and wings. The back from nape to rump is ash-grey and the bill is black with a blue line along the lower bill.
See also toroa pango
Synonyms: pēō, toroa pango, toroa haunui, kōputu, toroa-a-ruru
kahu toroa
1. (noun) cape covered with albatross down.
Ko ngā kākahu ēnei o roto o te puku: he kaitaka, he pukupuku-pātea, he pukupuku, he kahu waero, he kahu toroa, he pūahi, he kākahu kura, he kahu kiwi, he kahu kekeno, he maiaorere, he kahakaha, he korirangi, he tātata, he mangaeka tātara, he pūreke, me ērā atu (NM 1928:129). / These were the garments that were in the stomach: a flax fibre cloak with tāniko border, a cloak with an ornamental border, a cape of dog tail skins, a cape covered with albatross down, a cloak of strips of dogskin, a cape of red feathers, a kiwi feather cloak, a sealskin cape, a maiaorere fine cloak, an undergarment, a cloak ornamented with black and white thrums of unscraped flax, a flax garment worn from the waist, a cape of undressed and undyed flax, a garment of undressed flax leaves, and other garments.
toroa ingoingo
1. (noun) royal albatross, Diomedea epomophora - a very large oceanic bird with long, narrow wings. Found in the southern waters but nests on islands in the southern ocean and at Pukekura (Taiaroa Head, Dunedin). Distinguished from other albatrosses by a black cutting edge to its upper mandible.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 19; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 3, 25;)
See also toroa whakaingo
Synonyms: toroa whakaingo
toroa whakaingo
1. (noun) royal albatross, Diomedea epomophora - a very large oceanic bird with long, narrow wings. Found in the southern waters but nests on islands in the southern ocean and at Pukekura (Taiaroa Head, Dunedin). Distinguished from other albatrosses by a black cutting edge to its upper mandible.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 19; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 3, 25;)
Synonyms: toroa ingoingo
toroa haunui
1. (noun) light-mantled sooty albatross, Phoebetria palpebrata - a large seabird with sooty-brown head, throat and wings. The back from nape to rump is ash-grey and the bill is black with a blue line along the lower bill.
See also toroa pango
Synonyms: pēō, toroa pango, toroa ruru, kōputu, toroa-a-ruru
1. (noun) light-mantled sooty albatross, Phoebetria palpebrata - a large seabird with sooty-brown head, throat and wings. The back from nape to rump is ash-grey and the bill is black with a blue line along the lower bill.
See also toroa pango
Synonyms: pēō, toroa pango, toroa haunui, toroa ruru, kōputu
1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-na) to visit, go to see, pay a visit, call on, survey, reconnoitre, probe, explore.
Nō te tau 1864, ka haere atu a Hine-i-tūrama i Whakatāne ki Waikato ki te toro i tana tamāhine, i a Ewa, ā, ki te whakamōhou hoki i ōna hononga ki a Ngāti Maniapoto (TTR 1990:14). / In 1864 Hine-i-tūrama travelled from Whakatāne to Waikato to visit her daughter, Ewa, and to renew her relationship with Ngāti Maniapoto.
2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-na,-ngia) to stretch forth, stretch out, extend.
Ka toro mai te ringa o te wahine nei, ka raraku (NM 1928:165). / This woman stretched out her hand and scratched him affectionately.
3. (noun) extension, stretching.
Pai noa iho te toro o te kupenga e rua tekau mā rima iāri ki tērā taha o te awa, hai hopu kanae i ngā pō (HP 1991:17). / Stretching the net twenty-five yards to the other side of the river to catch mullet at night was quite easy.
5. (noun) probe.
Synonyms: haurapa, toromoka, tūhuratanga, pākiki, hurahura
1. (noun) long flute made from the stem of a gourd or toroa wing bone with two finger holes side by side.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 164;)
Ko ētahi hue he roa ngā kakau. He pai ēnei hai hanga ororuarangi. Ko tēnei taonga pūoro he rite ki te kōauau, engari ko ngā wenewene noho piri tonu (TWK 41:9). / Some gourds have long stems. These are suitable for making 'ororuarangi'. This musical instrument is like a kōauau, but the holes sit close together.