1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-na) to visit, go to see, pay a visit, call on, survey, reconnoitre, probe, explore.
Nō te tau 1864, ka haere atu a Hine-i-tūrama i Whakatāne ki Waikato ki te toro i tana tamāhine, i a Ewa, ā, ki te whakamōhou hoki i ōna hononga ki a Ngāti Maniapoto (TTR 1990:14). / In 1864 Hine-i-tūrama travelled from Whakatāne to Waikato to visit her daughter, Ewa, and to renew her relationship with Ngāti Maniapoto.
2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-na,-ngia) to stretch forth, stretch out, extend.
Ka toro mai te ringa o te wahine nei, ka raraku (NM 1928:165). / This woman stretched out her hand and scratched him affectionately.
3. (noun) extension, stretching.
Pai noa iho te toro o te kupenga e rua tekau mā rima iāri ki tērā taha o te awa, hai hopu kanae i ngā pō (HP 1991:17). / Stretching the net twenty-five yards to the other side of the river to catch mullet at night was quite easy.
5. (noun) probe.
Synonyms: haurapa, toromoka, tūhuratanga, pākiki, hurahura