



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a) to visit (a number of times or places), reconnoitre.

Ka hoki a ia ki tuawhenua, ki te takiwā o Te Wairau, torotoro haere ai i ngā whakaminenga Māori o reira (TTR 1994:156). / He returned to the mainland, to the Marlborough area, to visit the Māori congregations there.

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Synonyms: ārohi, hunuhunu, hūhunu, toro

2. (noun) scout, advance guard.

Kua tukuna atu ngā torotoro ki te rorehape i ngā hoa i wehe atu i te ata nei, ka whakamōhio atu kua waipukehia te awa o Waitao (PK 2008:788). / Messengers have been sent to intercept the friends who left this morning to inform them that the Waitao river is in flood.

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Synonyms: toro, hunuhunu, hūhunu, pūrahorua, tāpae, tūtai, tūtei, ārohi

3. (noun) hawser, cable (for securing a canoe).

He torotoro te ingoa o ērā taura o ngā punga (W 1971:439). / A hawser is the term for those anchor ropes.

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4. (noun) small white rātā, clinging rātā, Metrosideros perforata - a woody long-climbing vine. Leaves more or less circular, dark green above, pale green below, both surfaces covered in fineglandular spots (especially evident on leaf undersides). Flowers white (rarely pink) in dense, terminal, fluffy, clusters.

See also akatea

Synonyms: akatoki, akatea, akatorotoro, aka, koro, whakapiopio

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