1. (noun) albatross, wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans, black-browed mollymawk, Diomedea melanophrys, southern royal albatross, Diomedea epomophora, northern royal albatross, Diomedea sanfordi - very large oceanic birds with long, narrow wings. Found in the southern waters but nest on islands in the southern ocean and at Pukekura (Taiaroa Head, Dunedin).
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 19; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 3, 25; Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 99;)
Ka pakaru ngā kākahu, ka tuia he kākahu mō rātou ki te kiri kekeno, he iwi toroa ngā ngira (TWM 20/2/1868:5). / When their clothes were ragged they sewed garments of seal skins and the needles were of albatross bone.
2. (noun) tuft of albatross down worn as an adornment.
Ka tukua ā rātou nei hinu kakara, me ngā remu huia, me ngā hou toroa, me ngā ipu taramea ki te tino rangatira o taua pā nei, o Maungawhau (TAH 44:24). / Their fragrant oils, huia tail-feathers, albatross feathers, and containers of taramea scent were given to the head chief of the pā of Mount Eden.