



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

kura māhita

1. (loan) (stative) be a teacher, become a school teacher.

Kua rōia ētahi, kua kura māhita ētahi, kua minita ētahi, kua mema ētahi (TP 12/1900:2). / Some have become lawyers, some teachers, some ministers, some members of parliament.

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2. (loan) (noun) teacher.

Manaakitia mai ā tātou kura māhita, ngā kaiārahi i ā tātou tamariki, i ngā mokopuna me te iwi (TTT 1/10/1921:10). / Look after our teachers, the counsellors of our children, grandchildren and the people.

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1. (noun) teacher.

Ka haere mātou ki te mahi i te taha o ngā pouako (HM 2/2009:10). / We went to work beside the teachers.

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1. (loan) (noun) teacher, master.

E rima māhita ako kura (TW 23/11/1878:9/589). / Five are school teachers.

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Synonyms: ariki, rangatira


1. (noun) teacher of high standing, professor.

Tau mai ana ki te aroaro o te Ahorangi te pōwhiri a te rōpū nei, a NALI, kia haere atu ko ia hei kaikōrero matua ki te hunga rāmemene ki te hui ā-tau (HM 1/1992:2). / The invitation of this group, NALI, landed in front of the Professor to go to the annual conference as keynote speaker.

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Synonyms: toihuarewa


1. (noun) teacher, instructor.

Kāore i pērā rawa te tokomaha o te hunga kaiako he mātau ki te reo Māori, he mātau hoki ki te mahi whakaako (HM 4/2008:1). / There weren't as many teachers who knew the Māori language and also knew how to teach.

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1. (noun) teacher, lecturer, coach, trainer, instructor.

E kī ana ngā kaiwhakaako Pākehā ko wai ka tohu, kei te kōrero kino kē ngā tamariki nei mō rātau (HP 1991:32). / The Pākehā teachers do not understand and say that these children are swearing at them.

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Synonyms: kaikauwhau, pūkenga

Poari Kairēhita Kaiako, Te

1. (loan) Teacher Registration Board.

whakangungu kaiwhakaako

1. (noun) teacher training.

Ko te āhuatanga nui kei te kaha te whiriwhiritia ko te āhua ki te whakangungu kaiwhakaako (HM 4/1993:4). / The main aspect being discussed is the nature of teacher training.

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whare takiura

1. (noun) traditional building set aside for instruction in esoteric lore.

Ko te ‘whare maire’ hei kura ako i ngā mahi mākutu-whaiwhaiā, i ngā kōrero o nehe me ngā kōrero pūrākau matua, ko te ‘whare pōrukuruku’, hei ako takitahi i te tangata i tōna kotahi anake; ko te ‘whare kura,’ te kura ako o te ira tangata; me te ‘whare takiura’, he kura ako i te pō (Rewi 2005:31). / The 'whare maire' was a school teaching the art of witchcraft, the history and the superior oral narratives; the 'whare pōrukuruku' was for individual teaching; the 'whare kura' was the school teaching the human element; and the 'whare takiura', a school teaching at night.

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See also takiura

2. (noun) college of education, teachers' college.

I runga anō i te reo whakahei o Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori i whakarauika mai ki te marae o Kirikiriroa ngā māngai mō te kōhanga reo, mō Te Ataarangi, mō ngā kura kaupapa Māori, mō ngā kura tuarua, mō ngā kuratini, mō ngā whare takiura, mō ngā whare wānanga, mō ngā hāhi, mō ngā kaumātua me ētahi rōpū e kaingākau mai ana ki te kaupapa (HM 2/1990:1). / In response to the Māori Language Commission's invitation, representatives of Te Kōhanga Reo, Te Ataarangi, Kura Kaupapa Māori, secondary schools, polytechnics, colleges of education, universities, the churches, elders and other groups who appreciate the cause, gathered together at Kirikiriroa Marae.

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whakangungu kaiako

1. (noun) teacher training.

Koinei anake te whakangungu kaiako i pai ki a au (HM 4/2008:3). / This was the only teacher training that I liked.

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1. (verb) (-a) to erect, establish, fix, elevate on poles.

I hangaia he teihana kaha ki reira poua ai ki reira te haki (kara) o Nōwei, me te haki o tō rātou kaipuke (TP 3/1912:7). / A sturdy station was built at that place and the flag of Norway and the ensign of their ship were erected there.

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2. (verb) (-a) to plunge in, stick in (a paddle, knife, stake, etc.).

Ka poua ngā oka ki te kōpū o te mango (TP 8/1903:11). / The knives were plunged into the belly of the shark.

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3. (verb) (-a) to plant.

Ka whakapaia e ia tōna whenua, ka poua ki te kokonati, ki ngā tū āhua hua rākau katoa (TP 1/1911:10). / He prepared his land and planted coconuts and all types of fruit trees.

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Synonyms: tiritiri, kōkō, whakatō, whakatōtō, whakatopatopa, marotiritiri, tanu, rākau, tou, tiri, tipu, rumaki

4. (verb) (-a) to appoint, anoint.

Ka poua e Wiremu Tāmihana te hinu ki runga i te māhunga o Pōtatau (Wh4 2004:18). / Wiremu Tāmihana annointed the head of Pōtatau with oil.

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5. (noun) post, upright, support, pole, pillar, goalpost, sustenance.

Ko taua mīhini āna mahia e te tangata kotahi, pēnei kia kotahi rau e toru tekau pou taiepa e oti te pokapoka he kōwhao ki aua pou 130 i te hāora kotahi (TW 25/5/1878:263). / That machine of his is operated by one person and can drill holes in one hundred and thirty fence posts per hour.

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Synonyms: pōhi, pouihi, tokotoko, koteo, toko, tiripou, turupou, tumutumu, tumu, pōra, poupou, tīrou, tōpito o te ao, pōhi, turuturu

6. (noun) support, supporter, stalwart, mentor, symbol of support, metaphoric post - someone, a group, tribe, gathering or something that strongly supports a cause or is a territorial symbol, such as a mountain or landmark, representing that support.

Nā, i muri o ēnei pou, ko ngā pou whenua me ngā pou tangata, i whakakotahi ai ngā iwi ki raro i te Kīngitanga (Wh4 2004:18). / Now, as well as these gatherings of support there are the landmarks symbolising support and the supporters that unite the tribes under the King Movement.
Ko ngā pou pupuru whenua tēnei i tukua ki raro i te Kīngitanga o Pōtatau. Ko Karioi, ko Titiokura, ko Taranaki, ko Pūtauaki, ko Kai-iwi, ko Ngongotahā, ko Tararua, ko Te Aroha. Ko ngā pou whenua tēnei i tukua e ngā iwi nōna aua whenua ki raro i te Kīngitanga o Pōtatau (TMP 25/7/1893:3). / These are the land symbols of support that were placed under the King Movement authority of Pōtatau to hold their lands: Karioi, Titiokura, Taranaki, Pūtauaki, Kai-iwi, Ngongotahā, Tararua, and Te Aroha mountains. These are the land symbols of support for those lands that had been placed by the tribes under King Pōtatau's protection.

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7. (noun) column.

He momo pātengi raraunga te ripanga, he tūtohi, he rite ki te tukutuku te āhua, arā, he kapa ōna, he pou hoki (TRP 2010:241). / A spreadsheet is a type of database, a chart that looks like a grid, that is it has rows and columns.

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8. (noun) teacher, expert.

kāreti takiura

1. (noun) college of education, teachers' college.

He kite nōna i te hiranga nei o te whiwhi whakaakoranga o te tamariki te take i haere nei ia ki te kāreti takiura o Ākarana i ngā tau 1942 me 1943 (TTR 2000:249). / Because he perceived the importance of education to young people, in 1942 and 1943 he attended Auckland Training College.

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kura takiura

1. (noun) college of education, teachers' college.

Kotahi tau tonu i muri mai ka whiwhi ia i tana tūnga i te kura whakamātautau o te kura takiura o Kirikiriroa (TTR 2000:81). / One year later she gained her position at the experimental school of Hamilton Teachers’ College.

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Walker, Ranginui

1. (personal name) (1932- ) Te Whakatōhea; teacher, academic and writer. Educated at St Peter's Māori College, Auckland Teachers' College and the University of Auckland. Completed his PhD in 1970. Appointed Associate Professor of Māori Studies in the Anthropology Department in 1986 and Professor of Māori Studies in 1993 at Auckland University. As well as numerous papers and chapters in books, Professor Walker has published five books.

Milroy, James Wharehuia

1. (personal name) QSO, CNZM (1937-) Tūhoe; leader, orator, expert in Māori language and customs. Former Professor of Māori at The University of Waikato, where he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in 2005. Formerly a commissioner for Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori. Member of the New Zealand Geographic Board, Tautoko Māori Trust, Mahi Trust and teacher for Te Panekiritanga o te Reo. He was made a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (CNZM) in 2012 for services to the Māori language.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 37;)

kura hourua

1. (noun) partnership school - a controversial way of delivering public education which brings together the education, business and community sectors to provide new opportunities for students to achieve education success. Partnership schools receive public funds on a per-pupil basis, like regular state schools, but have more independence in things like curriculum, operating hours, employment and leadership structure. Opponents see provision of education as the responsibility of government for the public good and not a commodity to be traded, with democratically elected Boards of Trustees who are accountable to the community. The involvement of third parties is seen to introduce unwelcome motives to the provision of education, often a profit motive. Fully qualified and registered teachers are seen to be essential. It is suggested that flexibility for alternative approaches has been possible under the existing legislation and that more could be made of this instead of introducing a new model for which the evidence of results is unclear.

E rima ngā kura hourua ka whakatūria i te tau 2014. / Five partnership schools will be established in 2014.

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1. (loan) (noun) catechist - a religious teacher.

Mataira, Kāterina Te Heikōkō

1. (personal name) (1932-2011 ) Ngāti Porou; teacher, author of books written in Māori, and co-founder, with Ngoingoi Pēwhairangi, of Te Ātārangi, a method of teaching adults Māori in their communities. Kāterina was a graduate of Victoria University of Wellington, Massey University and The University of Waikato from which she was awarded an honorary doctorate in 1996. Awarded CNZOM in 1998. In 2001 she was awarded Te Tohu Tiketike a Te Waka Toi/Te Waka Toi Exemplary Award and in 2007 the Storylines Betty Gilderdale Award for her writing in Māori. In 2008 she received the third Pou Aronui Award from the New Zealand Academy of the Humanities for distinguished service to the humanities. Shortly before her death she was to awarded a damehood (DNZM).

Simpson, Mīria

1. (1922-2002) Ngāti Awa; teacher and expert speaker and writer of Māori. Editor of numerous publications, including Ngā Tāngata Taumata Rau (Volume 1) and the Māori section of the Historical Atlas of New Zealand. One of the first commissioners of Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori. Awarded a QSM in 1991.

Temara, Pou

1. (personal name) Ngāi Tūhoe. Educated at Huiarau Primary School and Wesley College. senior Lecturer at Te Kawa a Māui at Victoria University of Wellington (1986-2002) where he gained his MA degree. Currently Professor at Te Pua Wānanga Ki Te Ao of The University of Waikato. Renowned whaikōrero, haka and mōteatea expert who frequently performs kawanga whare and is an expert on tikanga. Teacher for Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo.

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Te Aka Māori-English, English-Māori Dictionary and Index by John C Moorfield comprises a selection of modern and everyday language that will be extremely useful for learners of the Māori language.

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He Pātaka Kupu

Te kai a te rangatira

He Pātaka Kupu is a monolingual Māori language dictionary, and was designed using its own culturally authentic terms.

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